Just bare necessities

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"Look, now it's like this, little britches.", said Baloo, "All you've gotta do is..." he clapped his paws and starts singing.

Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries
And your strife

Y/n and Mowgli start dancing along with Baloo.

I mean the bare necessities
are Mother Nature's recipes
That bring the bare
necessities of life
Wherever I wander
Wherever I roam
I couldn't be fonder
Of my big home
The bees are buzzin' in the tree
to make some honey just for me

Baloo picks up a rock revealing ants swarming around.

When you look under
the rocks and plants
And take a glance
at the fancy ants
Then maybe try a few

"You eat ants?", said Mowgli. "You better believe it. And you're gonna love the way they tickle." Mowgli went to get an ant till the huge rock was about to fall. Bagheera shouts, "Mowgli, look out!" Luckily it missed and Baloo continues singing.

The bare necessities
of life will come to you

Y/n: But when?

They head to a banana tree to see Baloodoing a banana trick as he eats, the two followed and Baloo grabbed the tree for them to grab one. Once he let go Mowgli's banana was peeled off and left in the tree while Y/n started to chuckle.

Baloo: They'll come to you
Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries
And your strife
I mean the bare necessities
That's why a bear
can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities
Of life

A banana feel so he picked it up then suddenly all of them fell on him and Y/n helps him out, they then followed Baloo to a prickly bush.

Baloo: Now when you pick a paw paw
Or a prickly pear.

"Ow!", yelp as she pricked her hand on the pear.

And you prick a raw paw
Well, next time, beware
Don't pick the prickly pear
By the paw
When you pick a pear
Try to use the claw

But you don't need to use the claw
When you pick a pear of the big paw paw
Have I given you a clue?

~As he tosses a melon to the both of them making Y/n almost knocked over. "Golly. Thanks, Baloo.", While Bagheera was judging the song, "Pawpaw. Of all the silly gibberish."

Baloo goes to him, "Come on, Baghee, get with the beat.", and grabs and pulled Bagheera's tail a little bit.

Baloo: The bare necessities
of life will come to you

Mowgli and Y/n climbed onto Baloo's back,

Both: They'll come to me!

Baloo: They'll come to you

Baloo turns around and said, "How 'bout scratchin' that ol' left shoulder while you're up there, kiddos?" They both did what Baloo asked, "Now just a hair lower. There. Right there. That's it. Oh! This is beautiful. That's good."

He then gets up, Kids, we've got to get to a tree. This calls for some big scratchin'." They couldn't help but giggled and said, "You're lots of fun, Baloo." and went to scratch like Baloo.

After the good amounts of scratching Baloo slips slowly in the water relaxed. "Yeah. Oh, man, this is really livin'. So just try and relax." So Y/n and Mowgli joined him on his stomach. "Yeah. Cool it. Fall apart in my backyard."

They relaxed on his stomach, "'Cause let me tell you somethin', little britches. If you act like that bee acts...uh-uh, you're workin' too hard. And don't spend your time lookin' around...for something you want that can't be found."

He makes them slip off his stomach and they start following him.

Baloo:When you find out you can live without
it and go along not thinkin' about it
I'll tell you somethin' true.

He sang as they followed him to a small waterfall.

The bare necessities
Of life will come to you

"Mowgli, Y/n, how 'bout you sing?", Baloo asked.

Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities

Baloo: Forget about your worries
and your strife

Mowgli: Yeah, man.

I mean the bare necessities
That's why a bear
can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities
Of life

Baloo: Yeah!

With just the bare necessities of life

Both of them: Yeah, man!

"Beautiful!", said Baloo "That's real jungle harmony." Mowgli smiles, "I like being a bear." Y/n lays down on Baloo's stomach, "It's very fun."

"That's my cubs. And you're gonna make one swell bear. Why, you even sing like one." While Baloo wasn't paying attention the monkeys grabbed Y/n, Mowgli saw and was about to warn Baloo till a monkey grabbed him too and sat on Baloo's stomach.

As you both were on a tree you hear Baloo. "Ouch! Boy, when you flick a fly, you really...Why you flat-nosed, little-eyed, flaky creep!" Mowgli shouted, "Hey! Let go of me!" Baloo yelled, "Take your flea-pickin' hands of fo' my cubs!"

The monkeys responded, "Do you also mean this little lady?" Baloo shouts, "Leave them alone and give them back to me!" The monkeys started taunting Baloo, "Come on and get him, champ!"

"He ain't no champ. He's a chump!" Y/n shouted, "Baloo!" The monkeys continued, "Yeah! A big hothead!" Baloo is very upset, "Okay, you guys asked for it. I'll...", then Baloo fell in the water.

One of the monkeys said, "That'll cool him off." Baloo was getting very angry, "Gimme back my man cubs!" The monkeys started putting Mowgli by a tree. "Here he is. Come and get him!" they said.

Jungle book: Difference is key {Mowgli x reader} rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now