Q&A [ Answers]

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"Everyone please take a seat in the waiting room while we gather the questions." Jack told those in the waiting room. "You will-"

"What's the point with this?" Jieun rolled her eyes. "This is stupid."

"Hey!" The author exclaimed. "I came up with it."

"Yeah," said Jae. "Don't make the author upset, remember she hold the power. She could you know....make you disappear." This shut everyone up. (hehe evil author moments ;))

"Oh please do." Taehyung muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" Chaeyoung asked. Taehyung hummed looked up shaking his head.

"It's just my character." Jieun muttered.

"Okay people!" Jack yelled. "Let's get this started! We'll start with the Author first!"


Where are you from and how old are you? belongstobts

Author: I'm from the the Uk, more specifically England. (British gang where you at?) I turned 16 in June ^_^

Jieun: your just a kid

Author: yet I'm so much more mature than you."
*author and Jae fist bump*

 Fanboy or Fangirl?- belongstobts

Author: fangirl ☺️ what about you?

What inspired you to write? - jungkooksbuckethatt

Author: it all started with what 'ifs' if i'm being honest, I kept coming up with different scenarios while reading other stories so I decided I'm just gonna write my own! 

"Next up we have questions for you Kim EunHa," Jack said looking at his clipboard.

Are you still willing to love Taehyung? Even if he regrets what he did? - BTSforeverPERIODT

EunHa: I um...right now I'm not quite sure. I'm not sure if I can trust him. I can see that he regrets what he did but I just need time. This may sound selfish but I just don't want to get hurt again.

Taehyung: I'm sorry....*he takes her hand

What's the relationship like with your mother? It seems like your closer with your father. jungkooksbuckethatt

EunHa: My mother? It was all good till I got married actually. Everytime she wants to talk to me it's about grandchildren so I've ended up avoiding her as much as I can. I guess I am closer with my father.

Why did you agree to marrying Taehyung?jungkooksbuckethatt

EunHa: To make my parents happy and to help the Son family. 

Do you like your job?jungkooksbuckethatt

EunHa: I love my job. I get to work with my closest friends and I enjoy it a lot.

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