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[I don't think I've stated what Katsuki does for work, but he's a chef. It's where he makes most of his money, along with the help of his parents, though it's very little help. Just a reminder, Mitsuki is a model and a fashion designer, Masaru is a movie writer and a author. Though now, I think they're pretty much the same thing, though I could be wrong and they could just be similar. IDK.]

Days pass since Izuku saw his father for the first time in many, many, years. They've moved his late mother's belongings into their house, storing it in a guest room until they figure out something else.


"Where are you going?" Izuku asked, noticing Katsuki putting on a suit and packing his briefcase. 

"To work, I've missed a lot of work lately. But, I'll be back" Giving a quick side-hug, the Alpha was out the door and on his way to his workplace.

It was silent in the large house, Shoto in his room, probably talking to his Alpha, like usual. 

Izuku decided to take a walk around the house, not really wanting to just sit there the whole day, though he knows he still has a shit ton of paperwork to do still.

Sighing, the greenette rose to his feet, walking out of his and Katsuki's bedroom. 

Things didn't start perfect between them, and they both have their things to work out, but, it doesn't give Katsuki an excuse to do what he did to Izuku. But, they've tried to restart and take it slowly, starting to have dates and some nights they'll have everyone come over and have a big dinner together. 

Izuku felt like he was apart of a family, but, he first family was now torn apart. 

Izuku shook his head, not wanting to linger in those thoughts anymore, walking towards the other living room in the house. It wasn't used as much as the other one, but, it was a place they did bigger movie nights, having enough space to comfortably allow everyone to sleep somewhere.

Izuku continued his walk into the big 'ballroom room' as he called it. It was a large room with tables lining the walls and had a stereo system run through the entire room.

It had marble floors, but had beautiful rugs underneath the table, to ensure no scratching. "Good afternoon" Izuku greeted one of the many silent bodyguard that basically hid in the shadows when watching over them and the house.

"Afternoon Mr. Izuku" The guard waved back, Izuku watched as he turned down another hallway, leaving his line of sight.


"So, how was work?" Izuku asked as he sat down at the table with Katsuki and Shoto. "It was fine, just a bunch of paperwork to catch up on" Katsuki sighed, watching as Izuku set a large pizza box in the middle of the three of them.

"How's your paperwork coming along?" Shoto asked Izuku, "There's so much more than I thought there was going to be". 


Things started to normalize as they settled in and settled down. 

But the biggest change was the Alpha mark that was proudly shown on the green haired Omega's collarbone. It was different in the way that the Omega mark on the ash-blonde Alpha's collarbone matched his Alpha mark perfectly, it was becoming rarer and rarer for an Omega's mark to match an Alpha's these days.

It was one of the biggest symbols to show how much an Alpha and Omega pair belong together. 

Katsuki showing Izuku that he does matter, he doesn't need to shit on himself to be seen as worthy and Izuku showing Katsuki to show more respect to others, that not everyone expects him to act like a stereotypical asshole Alpha.

It was truly working. 

They were working on getting Shoto moved in, either that or move Shoto's Alpha in with them, with his Alpha, them getting to know each other more.

With each passing day, Izuku started feeling sicker and sicker, throwing up more and more often. 

It had gotten so worse that Katsuki had almost begged Izuku to go see a doctor. So, that Friday afternoon, Izuku and Katsuki went to the doctor with Kirishima and Kaminari, who've come to make sure their friend was okay and there to Katsuki didn't have a mental fucking breakdown over all of this.

Soon after sitting down in the waiting room a nurse called them back. "Midoriya, Izuku" With that, they followed the Beta nurse to the scan and took Izuku's weight and height, then his blood pressure.

"The doctor will be in with you shortly" The nurse placed them in a room with two chairs and the patient's bed.

Katsuki and Kirishima sat on the seats, Izuku on the bed, and Kaminari on Kirishima's lap.  

After maybe fifteen minutes, the doctor came in. "So sorry that I'm late, name's Dr. Hazel" Dr. Hazel shook Izuku's hands, "Nice to see you again Bakugou". Dr. Hazel sat on the chair with wheels, starting her list of questions.

"When did this problem of yours start?" 

"About a week ago" 

"Is there any chance, at all, that you could be pregnant?" 

That questions made the pair freeze. Pregnancy? They haven't even discussed children, nor had either thought about children. 

"Um. I think so, maybe." Izuku stumbled on his words. "Well, we'll have to be sure, so I'll go retrieve a test and I'll give you a cup to urinate into" Dr. Hazel handed the nervous Omega a clear plastic cup, and left the room.

"It'll be okay" Kaminari assured him, and Izuku nodded and stood up, "I'll be back".

After doing his stuff in the bathroom, he exited the bathroom, giving his sample to Dr. Hazel, before returning to the room. 

It wasn't too terribly long before Dr. Hazel returned with the test in a red bag.

"Mr. Midoriya, you're pregnant"  


965 Words


Now we're going somewhere!

Legal cases, stress about his father, and now pregnancy! 

How fun.

Now, time for some baby names while we wait for the baby's birth. 

Any ideas? I've got a list in the works. 

Fated To The Man That Abuses Me [BNHA Omegaverse BakuDeku]Where stories live. Discover now