Partnership part 4

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Lather face looks back at Jason and asks" you good now?... Jason slowly nods as he wipes his mouth with his sleeve oh his jacket He lowers his mask and rubs his neck as it still hurt he points to his house and walks away... Micheal watches him go... Leatherface says" he's going to get a drink I now he will rest after that thought for now I will stay here if it happens again... Micheal asks" hay Leatherface I don't mean to be rude but are you Jason's father? I mean he lessons to you when you told him to put me down and you even seem to understand him... Leatherface Laughs and says" no Micheal I am not Jason's Father But I good friend he trusses me and I know he looks up to me for gradients when he needs it he is Like a son to me even if he isn't mine Any Other Questions?... Micheal says" Do you know why this happens? Or why he can't talk? or Rather why it hurts him to talk?... Leatherface says" no I try to ask him but he either doesn't know or doesn't want to tell me come on Micheal lets chack on him They walk to up to the Cabin Leatherface leaves his chainsaw out sied he here Jason throwing up he sighs knowing what that meant he got to help Jason by rubbing his back trying to help him... Jason grown as he finally stops throwing up he holds his neck in pain He gets a glass of water and drinks it Jason heads to his room to rest he lays down on his bed on his stomach and falls to sleep... Leatherface walks into the living room and lays on the couch... Micheal heads to his room to sleep as well... Later in the morning, Micheal finds that Leatherface was gone knowing he must have head to leave he also notices Jason wasn't here either so Michael heats a bit before looking around he sees Jason grading a body of a teen Micheal asks trespassers again?... Jason angrily nodes and throws the teen down into a cliff he sighs and says" t ....they w ....won't s ..stop c ...coming h Jason hisses in pain but he goes back to work as here was 10 more he head to kill Jason motions for Michael to follow him... Micheal says" now we are talking he gets his knife out and fallows Jason out side then Micheal stops walking when Jason dos he looks up at him... Jason points at him then to the far left of the camp then he points to himself and at the far right of the camp he holds up his hand with all five fingers showing... Micheal says" ok so there are 10 teens to kill I go left so I can kill 5  and you to right to kill 5?... Jason nods and walks away

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