Chapter 11: Late Night, Early Morning

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When I arrive at Neon's hotel suite, the guards look at me like they've seen a ghost.

"Were you attacked?" Melody asked with a furrowed brow.

Aww, that's sweet she's concerned. "No, just some friendly sparring," I answer.

Brow furrowed, eyes slipping down my frame probably noting the scratches and apparently a few twigs in my hair and rubble on my clothes, Kurapika puts the pieces together. "Did you and it in a tree or something?"

I could laugh at how high school that question is. It tickles me how critical and suspicious of me he continues to be. "No, we didn't. Just some love taps." Though I am relaxed and satisfied enough to go for a cigarette right now.

Kurapika's nose slightly wrinkles like a bad smell just entered. "This isn't the time for games. Dalzollene's not answering any of our calls so we think there's a good chance he was killed by the Phantom Troupe."

No shit.

"We have to talk to the boss to figure out what to do next," Melody says.

We enter Neon's room and Kurapika wakes her up to tell her what's happened. I heard she had a tantrum earlier when she found out she couldn't go to the auction, so I'm surprised by how clean the room is. The shootout at the auction, our lost comrades, Dalzollene.

Her blue hair dangles like tendrils over the bed, blue eyes still blinking awake. The pink and red striped top sags on her slightly. She's smaller than I remember. "Did they take the mummy too? I really wanted it," she whines as she rubs her eyes. It's been a while since I worked with Nostrade and I forgot how self-centered the daughter is. The callousness of her comments take everyone else by surprise. "Will there be another auction? When will it happen?"

Maybe I feel bad that I failed Shachmono, Baise, and Ivlenkov at the auction, or my disgust at how sheltered and privileged this girl is is getting to me, but I cannot listen to her bullshit anymore. "Look here you little twat, you may not have cared about those people, but we did. So why not show a little respect for those who died trying to get your pound of flesh and keep you safe."

I can feel the gasp and everyone's wide eyes on me. Kurapika reaches for my arm. "Oby—"

"I didn't ask for backup," I say pulling away from him, "Now get your father on the phone so we can figure out what to do next."

When we hear from Light, he gives us instructions on what to do next. He tries to make me the new leader, but I have no interest in that. So I recommend Kurapika for the job and he begrudgingly accepts. The boy's first order is to dismiss me from the guards.

Kurapika purses his lips. "You come off a bit strong and might unintentionally bump heads with others. I'm just trying to keep the peace. Neon's safety should be the top priority."

I could argue, but I know his mind's made up. Whatever. I'm not interested in working with that snot-nosed wench anyway. "So what would you have me do instead?"

Kurapika looks down at the missed call on his phone. "It's more a personal favor, but I'd like for you to keep an eye on some of my friends for the next day or so. They likely know about the Phantom Troupe robbing the auction by now and will try to check on me, possibly challenge members of the troupe. "

I'm genuinely surprised by this request, but it'd be a nice change of pace. "Sure. Who are they?"

"Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyk, and Leorio—"

I smirk. "Small world."

"You know them?"

"Gon and Killua yes. From Heaven's Arena. How will I find them?"

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