Chapter 6: departure

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"She should be arriving anytime soon." Melina says.

I nod my head. At least I can finally get her to stop trying to help me. I stand up and head inside with Melina following me. We head inside to see Pan and Modeus sitting on the couch watching the tv.

"You know. For a man such as yourself. You have a really nice house." She says in surprise.

"Well when you live alone you tend to pay better attention at things." I reply back.

Melina joins Pan and Modeus as they watch what's on the screen. Meanwhile I was waiting for their boss to show up. And what do you know there was a knock at my door.

I head on over and I opened it. From there I see woman in Avery business oriented suit.

"It's about time that you got here

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"It's about time that you got here." I say to her.

"Oh?~ You wanted you meet me? The great Lucifer so badly?~" she says in a seductive tone.

"Yes. Because." I say as I grab her hair and I drag her to the docks. She yelps in pain as I don't let go.

When I reached the docks I threw her to the edge. She got up and yelled at me.

"What was that for!? I came here with good intentions and when we meet you drag me here!?" She says.

"I'm glad you here because I can tell to stop helping me!" I yell back.

"I never wanted your help in the first place!" I say.

"Why!? Pandemonica described time me how lonely you looked. She observed you and saw that something was troubling you. That's why I wanted to help. So why would you reject us!?" She yells.

"Perhaps I forgot to tell Pan when she left. I HATE HAREMS!!" I shout. This caused her to become speechless. She wanted to speak out but couldn't so I continued.

"I absolutely despise harems with good reason! They are annoying! They are unproductive. They cause chaos! And finally they increase the pain you will feel when they leave you for another man!" I say.

"Then why do you hate harems so much? What happened to your previous one that led you to become who you are now?" Lucifer asks.

I turn away.

"It's none of your concern." I say.

"Yes it is. I'm Lucifer for god's sake! Even though I represent evil it's still my duty to watch over the earth too. So tell me what happened?" She says. I walk up to her.

"First off it's none of your concern. Second I don't care who you are. Three leave me alone! And four STOP SENDING WOMEN TO ME!!!" I scream in her face.



"I never wanted her live here. All I wanted was for her to heal then leave. That's it! But after she called you this hell has been happening left and right! I am sick of everyone! I want everyone to get out of here and never comeback!" I finish.

"Fine." She says.

"If you so desperately want to have your silence again, then you can have it." She says walking past me.

"Perhaps I was a fool to think that I could help a selfish asshole like you." She says standing there. I never turned my body to face her.

"Your right. I am an asshole. I am selfish. I will accept those facts. But what I will not accept is you trying to help me. Your just rubbing salt on an open scar. Leave and make sure that all these girls never see me again." I say.

"I never should've saved Pan that night. I could've avoided all of this. Now leave Lucifer before I throw you into the ocean." I say with venom.

But little did I know was that Pan heard our entire conversation.

Narrator pov

When Pan heard all of those words that y/n said to Lucifer she was heartbroken. Tears flowed down her eyes as she ran away back to hell. Lucifer gathered the girls and they went back to hell.

Y/n finally got the silence he wanted. Lucifer went back to her job. But Pan. She was devastated. After hearing what y/n though about her she couldn't work as well. What you might've guessed was that Pan had a crush on y/n.

She though that they could be together someday. But that dream was ruthlessly shattered.

The other demons took note of this and decided to help her instead of y/n. They saw how she never had any coffee or yelled back. She just stayed as the tired demon.

"Pan. I'm sorry. But there's nothing that can change his mind. He wanted to be alone and that's it." Lucifer said.

"Besides he was an asshole anyways. I maybe we should get judgement." Melina says.

"No!" Pandemonica yells. This shocked them as they hear her speak up.

"Y/n is a kind man! He would've never said those things on purpose! Something is eating away at him and I want to know why!" Pan says as she holds onto her mug. She was crying while keeping hope that she can help y/n.

Back with y/n he was cleaning the plates that girls ate with. He washed them all as he savored the silence. He did miss the girls to an extend but he pushed those feelings away. He bottled them.

They were devils. There was no way that they could have genuine feelings for him. He finished cleaning the dishes and went to his couch.

A part of him wanted to fix what was broken. But the damage was too much. It was broken beyond repair. The girls saw his true colors and they now despised him. But this didn't bother y/n. As his previous harem despised him as well.

He went to his boat and road off to fish the rest of the day to clear his mind of this day.

"I will never forget the day that they betrayed me." He says as he looks into the water with sorrow.

Hell's 'gifts' (male reader x helltaker) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now