24 - The Astronomy Tower

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(y/n/n) - your nickname


Fred was standing there looking as if he could explode with anger. You and Harry both got up and went to walk out of the hall before you stopped in front of Fred. "Looking a bit wet there Weasley." You smirked but before you could walk past the boy he grabbed your wrist and pulled you so close to him that your chests were basically touching.

"Did you put him up to this?"

"Who else does Peeves take orders from?" 

"Smart prank, you learnt from the best." 

"Yeah George is pretty smart when it comes to pranks." You fired back. Fred gave you a cocky grin. 

"You better watch your mouth-" 

"What are you gonna do Fred?" 

"To think I was gonna apologise to you." 

"I don't want your apology." You pushed him back and pulled your wrist from his grasp as you stormed out of the hall. 


After that event you and Fred didn't speak for what felt like years. Truth was, it was killing you both and it wasn't helping George or Lee either. George and Lee were still talking to you as if nothing was happening but Fred would always linger or send you all glares which normally ended your time with the boys rather fast. 

You had been spending most of your time with Harry, he and Ron were much like you and Fred and weren't talking to one another. It was affecting Harry too, he and Ron were best friends and you knew the two were missing one another too, even if they didn't want to admit it. 

It was now late at night, the November air was chilling as you and Harry made your way from Hagrids hut to the common room. "Warm up when we get in, the task is in a few days I really don't need you coming down ill just before." You instructed Harry as you both walked through the portrait hole. 

"Ooo yes mum." He smiled at you. Despite the situation you and Harry had become rather close and had time to bond with one another much like siblings should be. All you needed was Sirius by your side and you would be a family. Upon entering the room you saw the twins, Lee, Ron, Hermione and Ginny sat around the fire talking. 

"Now's your chance." Ginny muttered to Fred as she elbowed him. 

"(y/n)-" Fred stood up as he spoke.

"G'night everyone." You ran off upstairs before he could even attempt to hold a conversation. You opened the door and walked over to your bed getting ready to lay down and sleep the night away when a note caught your eye. 


Meet me outside by the forest tonight at 10, come alone. 


You looked at the time, you and Harry had gotten in late. You stuffed the note in your pocket and dashed downstairs. Fred picked his head up at the sudden noise hoping you'd come back to talk. "(y/n)! Can we-" 

"Not now Fred." You didn't even bother to look at him as you climbed through the portrait hole. Not caring if anyone saw you, you ran down the stairs as fast as you could and hurried to the side exit. You tried to be as quiet as you could so no one would hear you. You ran onto the grass and looked out for Sirius. 

"Sirius!" You called out into the darkness but got no answer. Suddenly you heard a small bark sound from behind you, turning around you saw a large black dog looking up at you with its big yellow eyes. Upon noticing that you had acknowledged the dog is quickly shifted, now you were face to face with your father. He looked rather well considering he was always in hiding. He looked far happier, the bags under his eyes had gone and his hair was now neatly brushed.

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