Chapter Six

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Picture of Nick Bateman as Tyler to the side.


Carter Kelly's P.O.V

Distant voices.

That's all I've been hearing for what seems like hours.

They sound like they're so far away, but I can tell they're so close. I know they are.

I'm cold, really cold. I can feel myself shaking but other than that, I have no idea what's wrong with me or what's happening.

I lay here for another hour or so, at least I'm assuming so anyway. Slowly the voices become louder. They're no longer muffled and I can make out what they are saying.

"I knew this was going to happen."A female voice whispers.

"I'm so stupid."A male one whispers back. "I shouldn't have brought her there."

"You need to know what's been going on with her, Tyler. She's been through a lot and you need to know."The female voice whispers again.

"No, not without her knowing what's going on."Tyler says. Tyler...why do I feel off about him, well, more off about him than I usually do. "I don't want to hear anything without her being there. I need to know her boundaries first."

"You're just what she needs, you know?"The female sighs. "Carter's been broken for so long and she needs someone who cares and respects her."

"I was just starting to think she understood that."Tyler says sadly. "She was getting better, I knew she was. Now she just thinks that I'm...that I'm m-monster."

"Carter knows who and what monsters are, Tyler. And she knows that you aren't a monster."The female one whispers softly. "She was scared and everything was closing in on her."

"I should just waited to show her that. I shouldn't have shifted. I should have just kept calm, called for back up sooner, and she wouldn't be here right now."Tyler sighs. "She would be safe, she wouldn't have been exposed so early on, she wouldn't be unconscious in a hospital bed. She would be upstairs, excited that her bedding came, she would be cuddled up on our couch reading and I would be worried about her being too cold so I would constantly getting her blankets or hot chocolates or sweaters. But she's here, my princess is unconscious...again."

"This might be bad timing, but you know you can't call her pet names anymore. Not for a while anyway."The female voice says.

"I know. I'm sorry, Hudson. It's just a hard habit to break."Tyler says.

"I understand."Hudson says. I missed Hudson, I haven't seen her in what feels like forever but I know it's only been a day.

I want to wake up. I need to wake up. So, I stop pretending to be asleep and slowly blink my eyes open.

"Hudson?"I croak, my voice is horse. "What happened?"

"Carter?"Hudson whispers, tears spring to her eyes.

"What's wrong? What happened? Why are you crying?"I ask in a husky whisper. "Did I do something?"

Hudson doesn't say anything. She's completely silent but glances to the other side of the room. I follow her gaze to see Tyler, leaning against the wall kitty corner from the bed I'm laying on. His eyes connect with mine and I remember.

"Tyler? What happened?"I ask, panic rises in my chest. "I can't remember anything after you showed me the place in the woods..."

"Carter..."Tyler whispers. I forgot how deep his voice is.

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