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The black cat was running over the market, hurried to cross the way where some soldiers were dragging a few captives to the castle. It was early in the morning, the sun didn't even rise yet, only peaked over the beautiful hills beyond the sea. The people of the market were arranging their stuff, while looking curiously at the passing people with torches that were gleaming and illuminate the way. The metal of the prisoners foot shackles were clacking to the stony ground, creating a scary tension, even more, since no word were spoken.

Two fisherman turned their head as they were about to go to the harbour. While the one of them felt anxious, the other felt excited. The second one turned and followed the crowd. "Where are you going?!" The first one yelled at him, but the second already disappeared.

The crowd got in front of the castle, stopping on the place of execution, that was in front of the castle. One of the captive gulped as he looked up, seeing heads hanging in cotton bag's on the balcony of the castle, blood dripping from the underside. His hands were tied tightly with a rope, that was connected to the other captives. Sweat was running down his temple. He was way smaller than the others next to him, who looked pissed and angry. He tried to focus, but anxiety was kicking in, as one of the warriors walked to the castle. His feet were burning, his throat dry from the long walk. The cold air made him freeze under his fabric, while his fear made him sweat.

The warrior returned with the young emperor, who walked way too slowly behind the warrior, his long blonde hair falling beautifully to his pitch black hanbok he was wearing. Emperor Min Yoongi. The king was surprisingly short, maybe even shorter than himself. His skin looked beautiful, pale like porcelain, but his dark eyes looked very dangerous and mean. A long scar made his visuals even more scary.

The warrior stepped aside, letting the emperor coming close to the captives, ready to defeat his king, as his hand was on the sword in the halter. "My warriors found all of you linger in front of my kingdom. You should know that I don't like strangers, especially when they behave suspicious, like all of you." He stepped in front of the first one. "Who are you, and where are you from?" The first smirked and spit in the emperor's face. "Not your damn business!" The king slowly wiped the spit off his face with a towel his bodyguard was giving to him. Really slow. Without saying anything. His eyes were still on the other, piercingly looking through his eyes. With a quick movement, The king pulled the sword from his bodyguards halter and pushed it into the strangers stomach, who cried out in pain, collapsing to the floor with wide eyes. The other captives flinched. "Wrong answer." He whispered in his ear, pulling the sword out again after he turned it, giving it back to his bodyguard.

The warrior next to the bodyguard looked over the crowd of people, that watched the whole scene. His eyes stopped as he saw a young raven man, watching the king with wide eyes. There was curiosity in his eyes, a hint of fear, but more adoration than anything. His gaze went back to the king, who was in front of the second person. "Name." "Fa Gurmeon." "Where are you from?" "The kingdom of the east." The monarch nodded. "What do you want here?" "Was sent from her majesty." The king raised his eyebrow, nodding. The other two prisoners told similar things, until the turn came to the last one. "You. Name." "Park Jimin. I'm a baker and want to move to your kingdom." The king smirked, gripped his chin and turned it to the left and right, observing his face. The young man looked beautiful. Big eyes, plum lips, nice skin. Probably a bit muscular underneath. The king nodded. "What's wrong with your formal stay?" The young man hang his head lower. "I got accused to murder someone. But I'm innocent, I swear! That's why I escaped." The king hummed, deep in thoughts, looking the one in front of him up and down.

He turned to the warriors. "Everyone to the prison, except this one", he pointed to Jimin. "He will be my new personal servant." Jimin's eyes widen. "V, bring him to the servant track." Jimin looked surprised, following the warrior who took him with him. "S-servant?! But I..." "Don't mess this up" The warrior winked as he pulled him into the castle. Jimin watched the other captivate glaring at him, as they were pushed to another entrance of the huge complex. "You should be honoured to be the lords new personal servant. That's a high position." Jimin looked back. "What happened with the last one?" "She lost her head yesterday, after she tried to poison the lord." Jimin gulped, fear rushing through his body. "It was a she?" The warrior nodded. "The king usually takes female servants. I'm surprised too." "But why?" V smirked. "They have to give special services to the king. It's like his little personal harem." Jimin stopped in his track. "What?!" He looked shocked. V opened the door, removed the rope and the shackles and lead the other inside. "This is your room. Wash up, I will let bring you some appropriate clothes." And with that, V went outside, closing the door.

A few hours later, the emperor was playing check with the nobleman Jung Hoseok. The royal adviser was also in the room, looking through some papers. Who smirked as he saw the emperor doing a move with his queen. "Do you have any news?" The nobleman moved with the horse, placing it in front of the king. "I see." The tall royal adviser looked up, glancing to the king and his guest. The emperor nibbled on his bottom lip, anger rose in his chest. "Are you going for a vacation, dear Hoseok?" "Yes, my lord", He said, leaning to the side and pouring himself some water. "I have servants for that." Min Yoongi, the emperor said. "well, I can't see any." The nobleman smirked as he looked around. "Oh, right, I got a new one." "Oh?" Hoseok smirked. And leaned in. "Someone I can have fun with too?" The king smirked, remembering how he invited his friend a few times to his bedroom for some orgy. "I'm not sure yet. He looks like an angel." "He?" Hoseok raised an eyebrow. "He." The king confirmed with a serious face.

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