Best friends (Tom Holland)

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"!" Tom yelled, making both him and Tuwaine start to sprint down the hallway with Tuwaine giving Harrison a piggy-back, and Tom giving me one. I laughed loudly, holding my arms tightly around Tom's neck to hold myself up as he ran down the hallway, his hands holding my thighs around his waist. 

"If you drop me, Thomas Stanley, I will ruin your hair!" I yelled, making Tom laugh as him and Tuwaine continued to carry Harrison and I down the corridor. 

"You weigh nothing, mate, I'm not going to drop you!" he returned. I squealed and buried my face into Tom's neck as he ran faster, his fingers tightening around my legs so that he wouldn't drop me. I looked back up and my eyes widened as Robert Downey Jr. walked through the double doors that Tom was racing towards, the distance between us and the door making it clear that Tom wouldn't be able to stop in time. 

"Shit!" he yelled, Robert's eyes also widening as we ran into him. All three of us groaned as Tom and I fell to the floor, Tom on top of me. 

"Are you guys alright?!" Harrison laughed as Tuwaine reached us and Harrison hopped off of his back. 

"Nope. Something inside is definitely bleeding." I groaned as Harrison reached a hand out to Tom, the boy taking it and letting our best friend pull him up. 

"Oy, I'm not that heavy." Tom chuckled, reaching both of his hands out to me. I took them and allowed him to pull me up, the action effortless due to how strong he was. We looked at Robert and gave him sheepish smiles as the man gave us a stern look. 

"Tom, you do realise that we're not actually superheroes, right? We're not actually invincible." He nodded. 

"Sorry, Robert, we were doing a piggy-back race." He chuckled before looking at me. 

"Which we totally fucking won." He nodded, raising his hands. 

"Hell yeah!" I laughed as I gave him two high fives. 

Harrison, Tuwaine and I stood behind the set that occupied the room in which Tom and Robert were doing their interview. 

"You two ready?" the interviewer asked as she sat in the seat opposite them. 

"Think so." Tom nodded, Robert mimicking the nod. 

"Okay, in three, two, one." The cameraman nodded before pointing at the interviewer. 

"Hello and welcome to our exclusive interview with two of the stars of the MCU, Robert Downey Jr, and Tom Holland. Tom, we're going to start with you." She nodded. 

"Awesome." He chuckled and nodded as he joined his hands. 

"So, obviously we're in LA, and you're the only British person in this interview, how does it feel to be so far away from home?" she asked. Tom nodded and let his eyes wander a bit as he thought about the question. 

"Normally, I'd say that it's quite hard, but given that I have a few of my best friends here, two of them being Harrison and Y/N, I'm actually okay. If I was alone, it'd be hitting me harder, but I almost think of them as a part of my home that I can take with me. They're not people, they're part of Kingston." Tom joked, making Robert and the interviewer laugh as Harrison and I jokingly rolled our eyes. 

"Let's focus on Y/N for a bit, since everyone knows about Harrison. There's been a lot of speculation about whether you two are dating or not." she nodded. 

"Oh, definitely, I caught them in a comprising position before the interview." Robert teased, making Tom's eyes widen. 

"Robert?!" he exclaimed, making us all laugh. 

"Tell us more, Tom." The interviewer joked along. 

"The "compromising position" that he caught us in was a piggy-back race. Y/N was on my back and Harrison was on our friend, Tuwaine's back. Y/N and I were obviously winning, but Robert walked through the doors just as we got to them and knocked us over. That's all that it was." Tom chuckled and shook his head as Harrison, Tuwaine and I laughed from behind the set. 

"So, there's absolutely nothing there?" the interviewer checked. 

"No, not at all. I love her to bits, but like a sister. Harrison, Y/N and I are like siblings, and we're all perfectly okay with that." Tom reassured as he caught my gaze from behind the camera. I gave him a wink in an attempt to distract him, making him chuckle and shake his head as he looked back at the interviewer.

Harrison, Tuwaine, Tom and I lay in Tom's hotel room, the four of us having been watching movies since we got back from dinner a few hours ago. Tom and I lay on his bed, my back against his chest and his arms wrapped around me as Harrison and Tuwaine lay on the floor, seemingly both asleep. 

"Your interview today was good, Tommy." I praised, making him smile down at me. 

"Thanks, sweetheart. All of those questions about us dating, though." He chuckled. 

"I know, right? I love you, but not like that." I teased. Tom laughed and kissed my head in response. 

"Just because I don't love you like that doesn't mean that I'm ready for you to go home tomorrow." He admitted, his cheek pressed against the top of my head. I sighed in response. 

"I know, mate, but you've got to get on with filming again, and the sooner that filming is done, the sooner that you can come home again." I nodded. 

"True." He sighed, his cheek still against my head. 

"For the record, Tommy, I'll miss you too." I admitted. 

"Aw. Look at us, being all soppy." He teased, making me laugh as he wrapped his arms further around me and engulfed me into a tight hug.

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