BNHA Part 62

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Mirio:Last year's runner up! The Big Three's Best Girl,Nejire Hado!

We get back inside the school and head towards the equipment room. Inside,we saw Hado in an amazing outfit and Tamaki configuring the camera.

Hado:Hey hey! What's Eri doing here? Hey girl! Why're you here? For funsies?

Hado's student fashionista:Wish I could put Nejire into something that exudes cute instead of sexy. | Hado's student fashionista2:Yeah that cost her last year.

Midoriya:*looks away,blushing* You got a flashy quirk and you're so nice! And you're body's so...b-b-b-b-b- | Mirio:He means balanced.

I think developed is the right word.

Midoriya:*closes his eyes* But even with all that,you're still only runner up!? | Hado:Yeah,listen to this! Are you listening? Every year,I lose to the same girl! She's just too amazing! The beauty pageant queen! Bibimi Kenranzaki from Support Class G! | Midoriya:She sounds incredible! | Aeden:I don't know a shred of information about her.

Tamaki:This year's pageant is stacked. Kendo gained some underground fans thanks to that commercial,so she's a real contender. And of course,Hado won't be holding back. Just thinking about performing in front of all those people...that sounds like a nightmare...! (drops to his knees while clutching his stomach) Imagining it makes me nauseous!

You and me both,Tamaki.

Hado:At first,the only reason I entered is because Yuyu told me to! (she floats to the girl with a light pinkish-red spiky-haired girl) But turns out,its a lot of fun! I wanna crush it! That's why,this year,I'll definitely come in first! It's my last chance! | Mirio:You can do it! (Tamaki hums and nods)

Mirio:Moving on!

We exit the equipment room and head to the Development Studio.

Mirio:Next we'll show you...the Support Course! All the grades are working together to show a super awesome exhibition of their work! | Midoriya:I can't wait to see it! | Aeden:Isn't it a highlight every year,or so I have heard? | Hatsumei:*appears between me and Midoriya* Yes! The School Festival is the Support Courses time to shine! | Midoriya:Huh?! Hatsumei? Wait...WOAH!

I turn around the finally realize that there is a gigantic mech behind us.

Hatsumei:That's my super cute baby #202! | Midoriya:Heheh,I think you have some grease on you. | Hatsumei:Eheh! I'm filthy,but I can't waste time bathing! | Midoriya:Whaaat? | Aeden:That's dedication! | Hatsumei:Even though we showed off some items at the Sports Festival,we took a backseat to the heroes,but this time,the contraptions we've come up will be given the spotlight they deserve! (rubs her mech with her hand

Hatsumei: Which means some big companies and some buyers can get up close and personal with my work! I need to make sure they're perfect so they don't embarrass me! How did the Iron Soles work out by the way? If there's anything else you need,please let me know! I will! Thank--

Clanking can be heard from Hatsumei's mech,and then an explosion erupted at its head.

Hatsumei:MY BABY!!! | Support Student:Not again Hatsumei!!! (Huff) Where's the extinguisher! | Midoriya:Uh,we should run! Don't worry Eri. | Eri:Kay...?

After that,we continued Eri's tour until we showed pretty much everything about UA. We head to Lunch Rush and take a breather.

Mirio:Welp! That's pretty much all of UA! | Aeden:That's right! | Midoriya:Mhm. So,what do you think about our school,Eri? | Eri:I uh,I'm not sure... (we all look at each other with defeated smiles) But...I can see how hard everyone was working on the festival,and I do wanna know how it turns out...! (we all gasped and smile in excitement!)

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