Chapter Nineteen

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[File found, do you wish to proceed?]

[Yes...] ⬅ [No...]

[Are you sure you wish to proceed? This file shows remnants of $*÷¥° corruption...]

[No...] [No...]



[Very well then... Good luck, you will need it.]

[Loading video file.... Error... Video corrupted, loading audio.... Error, audio is transferring to captions. This shall be read through a point of view. We hope you enjoy this viewing pleasure courtesy of !*÷$!÷]

"???'s Pov"

Unknown had read what Luna said about them, their rage is overwhelming.

"Calm down, it was I who gave her permission. [Error] You need not worry, it isn't as bad as you think." I tried to reassure my angered [You don't have the security level to access that knowledge].

"It was you who told them?! Are you insane?! We could be found out!" They panicked.

"No, I'm not. Just interested in how this may turn out, besides, you need to separate yourself for a bit, your getting corrupted." I informed them.

T%÷he÷\=y st/=*il!_÷led, co÷&r$&÷ru÷:×pt×&=io÷&÷€×n is the on÷/ly th÷&i÷&n=\g th&÷_÷at will dr2*4\×iv×_;×e us i×3*ns×\×(an&%(×e, and e×€=&ve÷*÷€nt÷_u÷_÷al÷€4\ly bring us to our g&÷;ra_÷_v÷&e÷(×&=;s.

"Your right, my apologies." They said sadly.

"It's okay, you will be fine soon. Meanwhile, let's change your name and give myself one to these lovely readers." I offered, sitting on a sofa and patting the cushion beside me.
[Sparks amit from the computer, continue?]

[Yes...]⬅ [No...]

[Alright then, after viewing the last of the file, you will never be able to find the contains of this device, are you sure you wish to commence with the /=*×,= process?]

[Yes...]⬅ [No...]

[Corruption cleaned. Wiping process initiated.]

"Fine then, let's start with you." They initiated.

"Fine by me, hm... How does the name Lycra sound?" I suggested.

They pondered the idea before shaking their head. "It doesn't fit you well, how do you like the name Zovin?"

"I like that, however can you take the name Lycra? I think that would actually suit you very well." I asked

"Okay, now it's official. I, Unknown, is now known as Lycra while you are Zovin!" They smiled, I smiled as well.

Now let the chaos resume.

[Wiping process complete, self destruction in: 3...2...1... *a whirling noise sounded followed by a boom]

Lefty's Pov

I think Bryan has been a little stressed lately. It's been a little over a week since Micheal has started to observe him, and I think it's starting to wear him down.

For instance, I accidentally ran into a wall by slipping on some water and my eye popped out. This, was during hours. So I had to explain to the worried parents that my model just has a problem with the left eye before grabbing an eye patch and covered the frightening site.

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