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My sight had not come to, but I could feel tightness around all four of my limbs. These rings of tightness felt rough, uncaring, I could feel the disgust. Muffled voices are constantly going. Most, angry. My body is so heavy, my muscle aching worse and worse every second my body is moved forward slightly.

One of the tight rings moved slightly, a hand. A large, firm, man's hand. Him. Frantically, I began jerking, trying to escape these hands holding me, he will not get to ruin my life again. The thrashing is not helping. The hands grow tighter, yanking me back every time I almost getaway. I am trying to open my eyes but all I keep getting is black. For all I know, he could have already.... and now he is going to get rid of me, permanently. Images starting flashing........hands.........pain..........the smell....the agony.........clawing to get away............and still getting pulled back. I start screaming, the thrashing getting worse and worse.

My body stops moving, this is it, this is where everything ends. I will never see Mom or Caleb again. The is a loud creak and then something moves on my head, my eyes try to adjust to the faintest of light now entering my vision, allowing me to see. Before I can get my bearings, I feel a rock, then weightlessness, and then smashing into a hard slam on a cold, wooden floor, and a creaking, slamming of the door. My eyes are still trying to adjust again. If there are windows, then it must be pitch black outside; I can only see faint outlines and shadows. Finally, I make out a bed and shapes that could be dressers, it looks to be some sort of bedroom. I slowly make my way onto my feet, struggling as they feel like jelly. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something move.

My breath catches as I jump a little. Still trying to make out my surroundings, the black square shape looks to be another bed, matching the previous one. There is some sort of pointed shape in the center.   

I feel the air escaping my lungs like it is trying to escape my body, like I am poison. My body is forced back, only being stopped by a harsh hit on the wall. I gasp, trying to reclaim the oxygen, but it keeps pulling out. My mouth was stuck open, my body paralyzed, forget everything I thought before, this is how I die.

"Who are you?" a small voice says. My eyes fell on the pointed shape on the second bed, it must be a young girl. Her voice is sweet like she has not yet hit puberty, still high and pitchy, innocent. She could not have been more than six. I try to make some sort of sound, but the air will still not come back and my vision begins to tunnel. 

The force pulls me towards the voice and then pushes me back again. I hit the ground gasping, the air suddenly able to enter me again, my arms and legs struggling to hold me up. Deep breaths flood my system but it is still not enough.

I maybe have a second or two of normal breathing before the feeling comes back again. A wind pushes me up from the floor and onto the wall, the air rushing to escape my lungs. This has to be some kind of torture. The small voice comes again but I can not make it out, the lack of oxygen becoming too much. I welcome death. At least I got more than I thought. My arms fall to my side in defeat. As I give up, I can hear the voice again, "damn it," followed by another hard hit on the floor, the pulling and pushing force coming back. I collapse on the floor, with no energy left to make a sound or move. I know there is a bed near, but I am too afraid to reach for it. The cold and numb bring back memories. I let them consume me, maybe this nightmare can end. I feel a release from my hands, like the last of my energy escapes, this is where it ends.

I feel the air escape again and the voice screams.

The Untouchables: BlightWhere stories live. Discover now