-Chapter Three-

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Thin Walls - Larry Stylinson

Summary: Louis moves into a flat while he’s at university, his next-door neighbour, Harry, who he’s never seen is rather loud at night. Louis confronts him about said noise and the two start to chat through the rather thin wall between their bedrooms. Will they ever meet, and if they do… what could ensue for the both of them?

Pairing: Harry/Louis… side of Liam/Niall

Warnings: may contain a little bit of swearing and that’s all for now, I think.

 A/N: I hope you like it, leave a comment and tell me if i could improve on anything

Chapter Three


When Louis awoke in the morning everything was silent, in that sort of way creepy, even more so when he remembered just exactly what was loose in the flat with him. He checked his phone to see what time it was only to realise it was lunchtime and he had slept in much to long. He decided that he didn’t care because he was finally feeling like himself again. Which too many a person was probably a bad thing.

Knowing he would regret it in the long run he picked up his phone and dialled Nialls number once again, listening to the dial tone. He wondered what he would be made to do in returns for Niall coming over to dispose of the beast that could not continue living with him rent-free.

‘What is it Lou, I’m so happy about your fish but-‘

‘It died’

‘What? Already?’ Niall asked laughing, Louis rolled his eyes and couldn’t help a small smile appear on his face because it was just like him to own a fish for a day and somehow kill it off.

‘Yeah, last night’ He sighed ‘Listen I need a favour’ he winced; Niall wouldn’t let it slide when he found out about his fear of spiders, that was for sure.

‘What for?’ Niall asked

‘There is this spider, and its about the same size as my foot, only I’m not too fond of spiders and well… could you come and take care of it?’ Louis asked hoping that Niall would take pity on him.

‘Is there no one else you could ask to, err deal with it?’ Niall asked as a crunch sounded on the other side of the phone. Louis wasn’t surprised; Niall eating was as natural as Niall breathing.

‘I’m not exactly swarming with friends Niall’ Louis said to him rolling his eyes as he walked to the door of his bedroom tracing a stripe along his wall as he did. He really did like stripes.

‘Fine, I’ll be over in ten’ Niall sighed and with a final crunch Niall hung up. Louis sighed and placed his phone on the side as he walked into his living room keeping an eye on the ground. At home he always had his mother to deal with such things. He’d have been a little embarrassed to admit to people that as he was cowering on top of his desk, his mum had been on her hands and knees searching for a small eight-legged creature.

Louis got into his Kitchen releasing a breath and grabbing two bowls knowing that as soon as Niall got in, he’d be in the kitchen with in a heart beat riding the cupboards. He poured two bowls of cereal and as he dug his spoon in the doorbell rang he shoved the mouthful in and walked to the door keeping his eye out for the beast. He opened the door and Niall rushed in towards the kitchen. Louis closed his front door and followed Niall into his rather messy kitchen. Louis always found it difficult to believe just how messy his kitchen could get from making frozen pizzas and cereal. Niall was sat at the breakfast bar with his bowl of cereal

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