Chapter 1 - Comparison

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"Why can't you be like your brother?"

Jay sighed and walked away. It's not even worth it to listen to the teachers anymore. All they can ever talk about was Sunghoon and how much better he is than him.

Once again he went to the back building to just overthink. It's always been his specially. To deal with his anger alone. He's not even sure if it was just anger he's dealing with. This time it was different. His chest hurts but he ignored it because it was a similar feeling to when he's disappointed with himself.

"Jay," his twin brother came offering a hand. "Don't listen to them. Don't ever listen to people who doesn't see the efforts you put into studying." He told his brother.

Jay smirked taking his brother's hand. "What effort? That was just me playing around." He lied. "I barely finished the test but still passed. I was bored so I passed it right away." he then fixed his shirt.

"Oh please, I know you since we're still once celled organisms. We shared the same amniotic fluid. You worked your ass off for that exam. Tell me what happened?" Sunghoon tried again. Nobody can make Jay open up but him.

Jay listens to nobody but him and him only.

Jay sighed and suddenly lowered his head. Sunghoon knows his brother too well. He would never show his vulnerable side, even to him. He always wanted to show that he can manage no matter how big his problems are.

He always pretends as if there's nothing that
bothers him.

"I can't stand Mr. Yoon anymore. He's..." He came into a halt and looked Seunghoon's eyes.

"Nevermind." He continued and grabbed his bag. "That amniotic fluid thing is disgusting , by the way. Never say that again." He said and they both chuckled.

"Technically, we had out own amniotic sac, we're fraternal twins. After all." Jay made it clear just to put his mind at ease, after Sunghoon's statement.

"What's important is, I came out first. I beat you once." Jay joked as they started walking out of school.

"Technically I was first because I came out last." Sunghoon tried to tease Jay.

"In the opposite world, that is." Jay responded.

Sunghoon grabbed a tennis ball container at the bench, taking out two balls. Naming one Hoon for him and Jay.

"Park Jae and Lee Sungyeon married. And God said, 'Let there be Sunghoon'." Seunghoon said, placing the ball inside the case. Jay was starting to crack up laughing at Sunghoon's narration. "Jae and Sungyeon had another round and God said, 'Let there be Jay.' And here you are." and Park He placed the ball with Jay's name.

"Sungyeon is now giving birth." Sunghoon continued. Grabbing a ball. "Congratulations, it's a boy. And mom said 'I'll name it Jay'." Sunghoon said giving Jay the tennis ball with his name on it.

He held it and smiled. "Wait, there's another one." Sunghoon said and grabbed the ball with his name. " And dad said, we'll name him Sunghoon. And that's the story of how I won since birth." Sunghoon finished. Jay sighed and just let him be. It was disturbing, listening to his twin narrate how they were made and came to the world. He didn't want to make the story longer.

"Cool story." The Gym teacher, Nakamoto Yuta interrupted. For some reason, he has never been their gym teacher. He always teaches the lower section. "I never knew you guys were twins. I always thought you guys were just bestfriends." He remarked.

"Because I'm a fuck up and he's more good looking?" Jay said with so much rage in his voice. The two of there are always compared like that, so he's sick and tired of just keeping his cool and finally snapped for the first time.

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