Interview with _theinfinite

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Interview with _theinfinite

Author of Poetic Archives, first place Poetry

What inspires you to write the poems in Poetic Archives?

My initial thought to this question was "everything you can call beautiful". Like weather phenomena, starry sky or sitting near the fireplace. Those things have a special feature, a so called "magnetic force", that can transport your subconscious with only a sounding, rhythm and a well written stanza so as to make your imagination go wild. I would say I am a type of person who can talk about the ambience and the surrounding from dusk till dawn. I like the sensation when you can read a sentence and it feels like you are surrounded with the ocean, hearing the splash of waves in your head. That's why I try to create something people can be fascinated by, for the power of words is endless.

But that's not only it.

You can't call physical or mental pain beautiful. Or inner struggle that is enclosed in thousands of us.

Human emotions is probably the most controversial but inspiring thing and it's never easy to write about it. I knew I could be "louder" when people started noticing me and my works. There's nothing more encouraging than knowing someone understands your words and maybe even uses them to get up on the feet again.

This once helped me realize I could you my voice as a weapon for whatever purpose: to heal and inspire, to motivate and hearten up.

What are the hardest topics to write about and why? What are the hardest types of poems to write about and why?

When I was 16 I had a period of a nervous breakdown. My anxiety and depression grew so strong I sometimes couldn't even breathe. It felt like something was seizing me inside and not letting go. I understood that the stress and pain were temporary, and one day I would never know this feeling again. However, right then I had to find the way to somehow release it up.

I don't know what happened but I felt the sudden urge to write my emotions. Or at least just try, for I had absolutely no experience and didn't know where to start. Surprisingly, the words poured up from me and I felt so much better afterwards. You can look through one of my poems called «Désespéré» and recognize me in it.

As I said, human emotions is one of the most controversial topics. You can't just sit and write about struggling the pain and conquering the fear. You have to feel it. Expressing agony, making sure the lines rhyme and hoping that the poems will HELP someone in their struggle is the hardest part. Since the day I felt weak myself, I have always wanted to reach the hearts of those who can't get up on their own. It became my target and goal. Writing about nature is for sure inspiring, but nothing can reward more than knowing someone on the other side of the planet reads your work and says "Oh yes, I understand this".

Other things including style and type of a poem totally depend on the will to create either long or short lines. I like mixing and experimenting with styling and, gladly, it merely appears hard to me!

Do you have any advice you'd like to share for writers in the poetry genre?

Just go with the flow. If you feel like taking a pen and venting your feelings on the paper then DO IT. There's nothing more beautiful than being unique and creating something of your own kind. Of course there will be hardships and there will be days when you will feel like no one is interested in your thoughts.

"So what's the point?"

Do you think I've never asked myself this question? I did. And I am so happy I chose the right way to follow. I chose to tell my story and share it with every reader. I chose to talk about my feelings and show the world my way of thinking. There are millions of people and thousands of ways you can be heard. I chose to never be silent, because someone may correspond with my thinking.

So, just speak your emotions up.

Or maybe not...let emotions speak for you.

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