Deimoto 1

407 6 2

(Sakaki x Nemoto)

I'm back!

I didn't want this to be too long (and I don't know how to end it) so I will put this into different chapters. This accidentally became a fully-fledged story whoops. I might make this it's own book so look out for that!

"Nemoooo!" Sakaki yelled, stumbling down the corridor to Nemoto's room. Nemoto had been acting weird that day. He had avoided everyone as much as he could, he had snapped at Overhaul (which in itself was alarming), he had punched Hojo and then he had locked himself in his room. That was 4 hours ago and there was no sign of him. Overhaul had ordered Sakaki to go check on him. The drunkard finally got to his room and knocked. No response. Sakaki frowned and knocked again, harder. Still nothing.

"Huh?" he said to himself, this time bashing on the door loud enough so that even if Nemoto was asleep he would hear it. Nothing. Sakaki's concern turned into alarm. "Nemo? Nemo?!" he said over and over again, his voice becoming panicky. He had checked everywhere for him, there was no way he would be anywhere else then his room. Sakaki bashed the door once more before giving up and half-walking half-running to Overhaul. Overhaul startled when Sakaki appeared in front of him.

"Sakaki is everything okay?" he asked. Sakaki shook his head.

"Could ya knock down Nemo's door? He ain't answering." he asked. Overhaul frowned and followed a sobering Sakaki. Once they got there, Overhaul got rid of the door. What they saw made their hearts stop. Nemoto's room looked like a bomb site. His bedding was strewn everywhere, ripped to shreds. His window was smashed to pieces and his drawers were knocked over, scratches on them. What was more concerning then the fact that Nemoto's, the guy who once threatened to shoot Rappa because his room wasn't tidy, room was ripped to shreds was the blood spatters on the walls and ground, with most of the blood on his bed. There had obviously been a struggle. Overhaul's and Sakai's eyes widened and they gasped.

"Sakaki, go get the others here, now!" Overhaul ordered, Sakaki running off like he was on fire. The other members were all, luckily, in the same room. They all jumped when the door slammed open. They sharply turned to the door to see a very panicked Sakaki.

"Sakaki, whatever is the matter?" Tengai asked.

"N-Nemo. Overhaul and I fou-found his room ripped t-to shreds." Sakaki said, his breathing erratic. "h-he's missing." everyone's eyes widened as they jumped to their feet and ran out to Nemoto's room. Chronostasis stayed behind to calm Sakaki down.

'This must be like Sakaki's worst nightmare, finding his boyfriend's room like that and realising that he's missing.' Chronostasis though to himself. Eventually, Sakaki calmed down enough so that they could go over to Nemoto's room. Once they got there, they saw Setsuno pick up a piece of paper and gasp. Everyone crowded around.

"Read it out Toya." Tabe said. Setsuno gulped.

"It says Dear Hassaikai. We have taken your dear Shin Nemoto as a response to your killing of our head. You have 36 hours to find us and get Nemoto back or he will suffer the same fate as our beloved boss. You know who we are. Tick tock, Hassaikai. 24 hours start from 6:00 pm." Setsuno read, voice shaky.

"Six o' clock was three hours ago!" Katsukame said.

"Okay, let's think this out. We have lost three hours, so we have 21 hours to find him." Chronostasis said, picking at one of the arrows pointing out of his hood. "Apparently we have killed this groups' boss. Any suggestions?" everyone thought for a few moments.

I did zero research and made these up lol.

"Maybe the Todo group?" Overhaul said.

"What about the Miyabo group?" Mimic asked.

"The...Monou clan?" Sakaki added.

"Or the Shinsat clan?" Setsuno said. Chronostasis nodded.

"Yes, we have killed those groups' bosses. I can't think of anymore, but if anyone can then please tell either Overhaul or I. For now, we have to narrow it down from the four we have in.... twenty and a half hours. It will take six to eight hours to travel to each base, depending on the one we choose, and up to four hours to search each base, depending on the one we choose which leaves us with...ten and a half to eight and a half hours to figure this out" Chronostasis said. A feeling of dread settled in everyone's stomachs as the very real outcome of losing Nemoto sunk in. They only had one chance, and four possible places where Nemoto could be.

Luck really was against them...

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