New Secrets

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*WARNING:Mention of anxiety, but not rrly, also slight mention drugs,, I do not condone the use of drug unless you're the legal age for it,, also LONG CHAP*

Y'all ready for the fun to begin? 👁👅👁

"I'm sorry what?"

"You heard me. Get away from my girlfriend." Catra glared as she got closer and pulled his hand away from Adora's. Duke scoffed, "No you aren't, Lonnie sent-"

"Lonnie didn't send shit. Now leave, or I'll make your life a hell of a lot worse." Catra glared as she put a protective arm around Adora, who was, confused to say at the least.

Duke and his friends, who were pretty terrified of Catra, walked away. Catra smirked and huffed.

"Uh, Catra?"

Awe shit. I forgot.

Catra pulled her arm away from Adora quickly, "Oh! I-um, sorry! I just-" "Thank you." Adora said. Catra could tell she meant it in the most loving way possible, you could hear it in her voice. Catra scoffed playfully, "I-It was no problem, really..You see Lonnie-" Catra was cut off with Adora hugging her. "Forget about Lonnie right now...Just..Thank you."
Catra smiled and hugged the blonde back, "No problem, Blondie."

"Uh, guys? Since when did you two start dating?"

Catra and Adora pulled away quick and nervously smiled. "Oh well you see we aren't-" "Since two weeks ago, you guys remember me asking out Adora, don't you?" Catra cut her Adora off.

Adora was about to say something until she saw Catra gesturing her head to the nearby bushes.

There was Duke and Lonnie, along with the rest of his friends spying on the whole scene. Oh..

"Yeaaa guys, don't you remember? She made this wholeee romantic gesture-"

"Blondie, that's too much-"

Everyone looked at them confused. "Um, we don't remember you telling us any of that?" Scorpia said. Catra, who put her arm around Adora's waist, smirked, "Oh well, I guess that whole scene was in private."

Adora was just dazed by the whole situation. What did this mean? Did she have to pretend to date Catra?

"Actually, you know what? It's getting late. Adora and I should best be going. Save your questions for tomorrow, thank you and goodnight." Catra said as she let go of Adora's waist and grabbed her hand instead.

"And that, my dear Glimber, is a dramatic entrance!" D.T said.

"Again, Glimmer."


"Um, are we not going to talk about what happened back there?" Adora asked as Catra leaned against the door and sighed with relief. Catra's eyes shot up, "Um, well, I got Lonnie out of your hair...At least I think I did, I'm pretty sure I made it worse."

Adora looked at her and blinked, " didn't tell Lonnie about Sam did you?" Catra nervously chuckled, "Um..If I said no I would be lying-" "CATRA!"

"Ok ok, I know this seems bad. But now we have something even bigger in our this 'dating' thing." Catra blushed. Adora sighed, "Catra..How are we supposed to be in a fake relationship? This will only caused problems with our friendship."

There's other things that will cause problems in our friendship..but you don't know that-

"I know I know..But hey, there's a party next Saturday! We could only act couple-y there! And then after we could just, I don't know, come up with some fake reason as to why we broke up afterwards." Catra smiled. Yea...that could probably work.

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