Chapter 2

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That very night, Cordelia was reading in her bed, trying to distract herself from her thoughts but then there was a soft knock on the door. The supreme called "enter" in a refined voice. Her body filled with emotion when Misty walked in, trailing shawl in tow. Cordelia was a bit apprehensive, remembering their talk from this morning, but all the same, it was wonderful to see Misty, she had been avoiding her all day. Misty edged toward the bed where Cordelia lay, in a lacy nightgown. She felt a twinge inside her when she saw the supreme dressed like that and was a bit embarrassed but determined to get an answer. Cordelia waited in agony for misty to say something until "Miss Cordelia, please talk to me, You're so amazing and I want you to be happy, what's wrong?" At this Cordelia burst into tears, this girl was the sweetest girl she had ever met. She had the most beautiful soul in the world and the supreme had failed her, she had failed her girls, and she didn't deserve to be in charge. Misty ran over and sat next to her on the bed, she hated to see her cry like this. The young witch wanted to comfort her, Cordelia sat up and they embraced. They sat there hugging for a while, while Cordelia slowly started to calm down. The supreme realized what she had been doing and quickly broke the hug, her face flushed. This was highly inappropriate, she couldn't confide in a student, her mind was racing, but Misty was more than that wasn't she. Misty started at the sudden end to the hug, she blushed too for she had enjoyed it a bit too much. Misty had to soothe Cordelia's pain. The young witch pushed through the embarrassment and brought her eyes up to meet her Supreme's. Cordelia's damp brown eyes were the most beautiful she had ever seen in her life, but they looked sadly back at her. Misty could tell Cordelia was deep in thought. The supreme was engaged in a hard inner battle, should she confide in misty? Would that be crossing a line? Was the line already crossed? Misty's words shook the supreme out of her reverie "Miss Cordelia? Please tell me what's going on, I want to help", her face looked so sincere. Cordelia had made up her mind. The supreme took a deep breath and started "I just,... I just feel like I've failed, I failed you in the seven wonders and I failed Madison and I failed Nan. I don't deserve to be the supreme, I'm not special. I feel like an imposter like I'm just trying to keep up the act." Misty's heart broke, how could Ms. Cordelia feel this way? It was the farthest possible from the truth and she told her so. "Oh Ms. Cordelia, you are the most special, powerful, kind person I have ever met, you taught me nearly everything I know, you are the reason I am the witch I am today". Cordelia broke into a smile, "thank you, Misty, that really means a lot. I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you this it was really inappropriate, and you've been through a lot. I just don't really have anyone to talk to anymore". Misty responded, "Don't apologize, Miss Cordelia, I care a lot about you and you can always talk to me". Misty knew she had to be supportive, her pain would have to wait. Cordelia felt warm, and she knew she could talk to Misty, and they did, they talked and laughed and confided. Misty still not revealing her pain. Eventually, neither of them knew when, they drifted to sleep.

Misty woke up first, in Cordelia's arms, for a moment she didn't realize where she was until she turned her head around and it all came back to her, Cordelia's insecurities and their time spent together. She smiled, she felt all warm inside, like glitter, was exploding in her. Misty sat for a minute with her feelings trying to figure them out, watching Cordelia sleep. Then she checked the clock and it was only 5:00, but she did not want to go back to sleep because no matter how nice it had been last night, the dreams still came. They might have been worse, because Cordelia blamed herself for Misty's death, even if it was definitely not her fault.

The Supreme stirred, she looked up and saw Misty staring at the wall. It all came back to her, the night they had shared, the feelings she had confessed, all of it. Cordelia didn't know what to feel, she had really enjoyed it, and it has been the first night in a year that she didn't wake up crying, but she had definitely crossed a line. They had slept in the same bed for god's sake, oh god and what was she doing adding to Misty's pain, she had spent a year in hell. Misty seemed to be doing okay, but still, it was highly inappropriate.

Misty looked down and beamed at Cordelia "good morning, Miss Cordelia". "Oh Misty, yes...good morning". Misty noticed she looked a bit embarrassed, this in turn made the young witch blush. What if Cordelia didn't want Misty to know all those things? What if she had been too aggressive with Cordelia? What if Cordelia left her? Misty had to go figure things out, "I'll um see ya at breakfast, Miss Cordelia". Cordelia called after "Misty wait" but the witch had already turned the corner. They would have to talk again later, Cordelia thought, with a small smile.

Misty rushed out of Cordelia's room and ran into her own. Breathing in and out heavily. She started having flashbacks, to hell, over and over she had to kill the frog, the poor innocent creature. Then came flashbacks from further back, her parents isolating her, her pastor, family, and friends burning her at the stake. Cordelia was so upset because of her. She couldn't take it anymore, she grabbed the scalpel she had somehow brought back from hell. She considered cutting her wrists but no, she couldn't risk anyone knowing so she cut her thighs. As she sliced, the pain subsided, she was starting to regain control. Her razors had been her only constant companion growing up. Her parents had shunned her for liking girls, and then for being a witch. Her whole community had literally burned her at the stake. The blade has always been there through all the emotions. When the pain was dulled, Misty looked at her legs, they were peppered with cuts, the scars hadn't changed during her time in hell, and now there were new ones. Misty sighed, and sat up, she hid the scalpel again. The young witch sat on her bed for nearly an hour before she moved. She knew she had to get ready for the day. Misty put on a smile along with her clothes and makeup and went to meet the other girls. 

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