Chapter 1

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Jenn's P.O.V
Ugh, the new year party is tonight and I have nothing to wear! *throws self onto bed and calls Andrea* "Andrea! Hey, I was just wondering if your coming to the New Year party tonight?"
"No, I'm at my moms house." Andrea replies.
"OH! Do you mind if I borrow one of your dresses?"
"Nah sure, go ahead!" *ends call*
Ok, which one to wear? Oh I guess I could wear this one! *jenn pulls out a sparkley black dress and tries it on* YAS I'll wear this dress!

Jack's P.O.V
I wonder whose gonna be at the party tonight, I hope Jenn will be there, and Jc he's such a good guy... OH DAM I need to get changed its 5:45pm! *Jack rushes into his best outfit and sets off for the party*

Jc's P.O.V
The guests should be arriving soon! OOH I can't wait! This will be the best party ever! *door bell rings* I wonder who this is... JENN HEY!
"HEEEEYY JC!" jenn says and hugs him. They look into each other's eyes for a while then jenn walks by the pool.

The Story
Jack has just arrived at the house for the new year party, he see's jenn, "JENN, hey!"
"oh hey jack! I didn't know you was coming here!
"yeah, who's hosting this party?"
"jc, well o2l, that's why it's in the o2l house." *they both laugh*
jc walks by and starts convocation and Jack feels a shiver of jealousy when he see's jc and jenn laughing.
"so what are we gonna be doing tonight? do you have fireworks? anything?" Jack asks.
"well, yeah, but the think is, Dom ordered a stripper.. yeah I'm not too happy but oh well." jc whispers
"I'm just going to see Rebecca!" Jenn says "Hey Rebecca!"

(part 2 coming soon and ye ik it's kinda boring but it should get better)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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