Chapter 19

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Sean shook her lightly by the shoulder. "Do you want to take a shower?"

Kaycee seemed to have taken an immense liking to the bed and the blankets and was clutching it like a baby who had found its favourite toy.



"Kaycee?! Ugh come on!" Sean wanted to yank off his hair.

He had been trying to get Kaycee to take a shower or at least change her dress for almost fifteen minutes now but soon realized she wasn't any better than a log.

Last time Kaycee was this drunk they were in Iceland where no one was in the house other than him and he wasn't exactly bothered if she had bags under her eyes or was a bit tipsy. But that wouldn't work here.

Serris and Sarah both knew. Well, Sarah knows the entire story but Serris at least knows she went to a bar. So they weren't a problem.

But the thing is Miya would surely notice if Kaycee went downstairs looking ans walking like a zombie from an apocalypse.

What do I do? How do you wake up drunk people?

He whipped out his phone and called the only person who he thought could possibly help him.

The call rang for a few times before the other person picked up and started talking in a raspy voice.

"I'm going to kill you, you little piece of-"

"Can you help me with Kaycee?"

"I- you- time....." She sighed heavily. "The only reason I'm coming is because I like Kaycee. Not you, dipshit."

"Understood." Sean smiled.

A few minutes went by before a half asleep, annoyed Serris walked into the room.

"I don't like you." Serris shut down Sean before he managed to utter a single word.

Sean closed his open mouth and huffed, annoyed.

She was HIS sister, not Kaycee's.

When he had finished rolling his eyes, he headed over to the bed and saw Serris lightly shaking Kaycee and picking her up by the shoulders.

After wondering with an open mouth why did Kaycee not wake up when he asked her, Sean quickly rushed to Kaycee's other side and led her to the bathroom.

Serris entered with her and after a long few minutes, they both came out.

Kaycee looked a lot better now.

Her hair was lightly dripping wet, her cheeks were rosy and clear again, her eyes seemed more awake now and she wasn't clumsy in her walk anymore.

Sean diverted his eyes away from her face and went to her side again to carry her to the bed.

She was still tired though. A few minutes after her head touched the pillow, her eyes drooped shut tiredly. Sean carefully placed the blankets over and Kaycee sighed in content, snuggling in.

If only sleep came this easy.

After Kaycee was well tucked in bed, Serris turned to him. Her eyes were drowsy too.

"I would tease you for the way you tucked her into bed like a sweet loving husband but I'm gonna pass out right now. So I'll postpone it to tomorrow. Bye Seanie the lover boy."

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