To the Rescue

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A/N: This gif lives rent free in my mind.

Azaylia didn't see half the fight. She passed out from the pain. She awoke again and saw droids. Lots and lots of droids. She tries desperately to get up but quickly remembers what happened in the previous hours. She grits my teeth hard and gets up despite the stabbing pain in her hip. Azaylia could barely stand but she did my best to walk over to Obi-Wan. Azaylia picked up a blaster from a dead droid and started to shoot. Thank Force for her good aim.

"Azaylia?! What in the blazes are you doing?!" Obi-Wan shouted as he continued killing droids.
"Helping. What do think I'm doing?" She says shooting the blaster. "Do you know where my lightsaber-" She's cut off by Anakin.
"Zayli! Catch!" He throws her her lightsaber and she catches it. It's familiar yellow blade makes her feel more at ease.

Azaylia fought alongside Obi-Wan. She watched Master Windu beheaded Jango and as Padmé and Anakin hid behind a crashed chariot. I heard a screech come from behind her...
"Uh...Obi-Wan!" She shouted.
"Busy!" He replied but turned around when the droids he was fighting retreated.

The Acklay was ready for revenge. Looking at Obi-Wan, Azaylia knew what to do. They cut off its legs and made it fall over. Obi-Wan delivered the finishing blow, killing it. She stared at Obi-Wan. His hair was disheveled and some pieces of it was sticking to his sweaty forehead. He looked so attractive like this. He winked at Azaylia and started to kill more droids.

Suddenly the droids stopped firing. Azaylia breathed out. Her hair was a mess, she was sweating and her hip was covered in fresh and dried blood.
"Master Windu, you have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order." Count Dooku calls from the balcony. "Now it is finished...surrender...and your lives will be spared."
"We will not be hostages to be bartered Dooku." Master Windu replies.
"Then I'm sorry old friend..."

The droid raise their guns again. Azaylia raises her lightsaber. She's not going down without a fight.
"Look!" Padmé exclaims. Azaylia snaps her head up and see Clone ships landing along with Master Yoda.
Finally help has arrived.

"Hold on!" Obi-Wan shouts. Azaylia was sitting down in one of the Clones ships because of my her hip. She grabs on to anything she could hold onto on the ground since she couldn't stand up.
"Aim for the fuel cells!" Anakin yells. The Clones obviously do because Azaylia could hear explosions.
"Good call my young Padawan!" Obi-Wan smiles. Azaylia sighs in relief at the two finally getting along. "Attack those Federation Starships quickly!" He orders.

The group flies for what seems like a long time until a terrible sensation coats Azyalia's mouth.
"Ugh! Kriffing dust!" She spits.
"Language Zayli." Anakin warns.
"I'm a grown women Ani. I can say whatever the kriff I want." She sticks her tongue out.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent my dear." Obi-Wan coos.
"My dear? What's going on with you two?" Anakin asks looking back and forth between the two.
"Whatever do you mean little brother?" Azaylia answer a question with a question.

"Look over there!" Obi-Wan points. Azaylia almost falls out trying to see what the others see.
"It's Dooku! Shoot him down!" Anakin shouts.
"We're out of rockets sir." The clone says.
"Follow him!" Anakin replies.
"We're going to need some help." Padmé states.
"There isn't time!" Azaylia exclaims.
"Anakin and I will handle this." Obi-Wan says.
"I'll help too!" The injured Jedi states and pulls herself up.
Azaylia groans.  

"Force, my hip hurts."
"No Azaylia you will stay on this ship! Do you understand?" Obi-Wan yells.
"I'm not going to let you take Dooku on by yourselves. You'll need all the help you can get." Azaylia limps over to them.
"Zayli, I'm going to have to agree with my Master. You are in no condition to fight." Anakin looks at her hip with brotherly worry.
"That hasn't stopped me before." She puts on a pained grin.

Suddenly the ship swaysto the side. Azaylia heard Padmé yell. She was going to fall out! Azaylia grabbed her wrist but instead of her pulling Padmé up she pulled Azaylia out of the ship.
"Ah!" Azaylia exclaimed as she tumbled out of the ship along with Padmé.
"Padmé!" She heard Anakin yell.
"Zayli!" Obi-Wan yelled after Anakin.

Azyalia's body hit the ground with a thud and rolled down a little ways. Once she stopped moving she growled.
"Can I go two seconds without falling on the ground?" Azaylia asks herself. The clone that fell out with us rushed over to Azaylia.
"Are you alright Sir?" He asks her.
"Yes I am." She replies. "Go check on Padmé. She might not be."
"Yes Sir." He saluted and goes over to Padmé.

Azaylia pulls myself up, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her hip.
"Padmé!" She yells, crouches down and taps her face. "Wake up."

Padmé wakes up with a gasp.
"Where are we?" She asks.
"You fell out of the ship. I tried to grab you but you pulled me along instead." Azaylia giggled slightly.
"I'm sorry." She smiles sheepishly. "Oh Zayli you're injured!" She looks at her hip.
"I'll be fine. I'm no baby." Azaylia says helping Padmé up.
"We should go back to the forward command center." The clone suggests.
"No. No. We've got to get to that hanger." Padmé says sternly.
"Get a transport! Hurray! They could be in danger!" Azaylia points, Padmé and the Clone start to run while Azaylia limps behind.

Padmé and Azaylia arrive at the hangar with a batch of clones. They see a ship taking off. Padmé and the clones try to shoot it down but are unsuccessful.

Azaylia runs in. Well she doesn't really run she merely hops on her one foot. She sees Obi-Wan and Anakin laying on the floor.

"Oh!" Azaylia gasps. Obi-Wan had lightsaber burns on his arm and his leg. Anakin was more unlucky. One of his hands was cut off. "Ani! Obi-Wan!"
"I'm fine Zayli. Don't worry." Anakin winces.

Obi-Wan does his best to stand not putting weight on his leg. He helps Anakin stand as well.
"I'm also alright. As alright as I can be." Azaylia hugs Obi-Wan while Padmé hugs Anakin. Azaylia senses Yoda looking at the four of them
thoughtfully from behind. "Oh Zayli." He whispers "Look at your poor hip."

Azaylia really looks at it for the first time. The fabric had been torn revealing ripped up bloody skin from the Nexu. The surrounding fabric was soaked with red and their was blackened skin from where the blaster shot had hit her. She was going to need some serious stitching...she started to get really dizzy. She had lost a lot of blood and had clean run out of adrenaline.
"I'll be fine." Azaylia whispers back. "You focus on you..." She taps Obi-Wan's shoulder lightly. "Although...I think I might pass out...if you can...catch me please...I'm done with hitting the ground...for today." She blacks out as soon as she finishes. Obi-Wan upholds her wish and catches the unconscious girl with his one good arm.

A white light blinds Azaylia as she wakes up. "Where am I?"
"She's awake." A medical droid states.
"Zayli." She hears a voice and feels a calloused hand clutch hers.
She groans slightly. Her eyes still haven't adjusted to the brightness. She sees a familiar smiling figure.
"Ben?" She whispers. Obi-Wan smiles wider.
"You know it." He says softly.
"Am I...dead?" Azaylia puts a hand to my head. Obi-Wan chuckles.
"No Zayli you're not dead."
"What happened?" She asked Obi-Wan while her eyes fully adjusted.
"You passed out. They just put stitches in your hip and are treating both the claw and blaster wound." He explains.
"What about you and Anakin?" She asks.
"I'm alright. Just needed a couple bandages...Anakin...he's getting a robotic arm." He looks to the side. Azaylia giggles.
"That sounds cool. I would love a robotic arm."
Obi-Wan laughs, "You just focus on getting better alright? We still have to look at the stars." He whispers and squeezes the women's soft hand.
"I haven't forgotten. Don't you worry." She nods as her eyes flutter closed...

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