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Note: 용수(YongSu), 정열(Jeongyeol)


정열's POV
"You know Y/N?!" Yoongi literally yelled out.

Curse the gods of motherhood and whatever is it out there. Oh, shit to my damn ass... How the fuxk did I even manage to accidentally spill Y/N's name out?! 정열,정열 you dumbass!
What to do? What to do?
Should I fake ignorance? Run? Pretend I didn't hear him literally screaming?

My ass is so on fire...
How fitting...
Flame's on fire. Great. Just great.
I'll just lie my way through this. Yes! I can do this!

I opened my mouth facing preparing to speak to the extremely desperate looking Suga from BTS. But as he gazed at me with such expectant eyes.
My lips quivered. That look...

I couldn't utter out a single strung sentence. I can't even lie. His damn look, for some reason, feels as if it is compelling me to just spit out whatever I know. But I can't do that. For Y/N. I must hang on.

The door slammed open.
And in came a rabid flustered looking 용수. Oh, thank the gods...

용수 successfully interrupted the moment, helping me escape my dangerous predicament. For once, I was thankful for his wild attitude.

"Didn't I tell you to knock before entering?!", I shouted slightly while feeling absolutely glad for his abruptness.

"Ethereal's looking for you. She says it's important."용수 crossed his arms around his chest.

Oh? Y/N? Did she-?

"Hurry your lazy butt up. Ethereal said its extremely urgent!"

A tick mark appeared at the side of my head. "I'm older than you. You little brat! Respect your elders!"

용수 merely shrugged his shoulders as a rare sharp glint appeared in his eyes, "You better hurry up. She's waiting."

With that, he just turned around and sped off in the direction of Y/N's office. He didn't even look at Yoongi once.

Facing Yoongi, I gave him a ninety-degree bow, "If you'll excuse me, it seems to me that I have some important matters to handle.

"A-ah? W-wait-" Yoongi called out, to which I clearly ignored. Why the heck would I continue to stay here to dig my own grave? Does it look like I have a death wish? Even if so, I'd rather someone else to help me dig my grave.

Waving a hand at Yoongi as I hurriedly exited the door. I let out a small grin, and as I moved further and further away from my room, I let out a breath of hot air. Feeling so extremely relieved.

Leaning against the wall, I spotted 용수 once again, seeming to be waiting for me.

"Let's go meet Ethereal, shall we?", I spoke up casually.

용수 looked at me and smiled. He placed a hand on my shoulder as he pushed himself off the wall to stand right beside me. We were facing in opposite directions. I glanced at his face but his eyes were kept stubbornly in front. Not once did he return my gaze. 용수 kept his head down as he brushed past me, walking continuously forward. His actions shocked me but one thing is for sure, as he walked by me, he whispered into my ear, "There's no need to see Ethereal."

His hands left my shoulders as quickly as it came and as I turned around to look for him, he was already nowhere in sight. It was scary to think that someone younger than you is more skilled than you in a certain aspect but what do you expect from 용수? We all knew that he was slightly different from the rest of us.

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