Chapter 27

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Yo, I actually forgot what hair color Sunghee had, does anybody remember hahaha😂🤷‍♀️

I'll just go with black until I remember

Also, I went through my gallery and damn... I have way too many kpop pictures on there

So glad that no one can see this👁👄👁

Silently and with my head low, I left the office of the principle and quietly closed the door behind me

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Silently and with my head low, I left the office of the principle and quietly closed the door behind me.
Without taking any detours, I went straight to the janitor.

Fortunately I was alone at the moment as Donghyuck was sent to the nurse's office first because of his bleeding nose.So I had at least a little time left until I had to deal with my overcoming anger again.

The frustrating thing about the whole situation was that I really wanted to control myself. Not only for the DRGNS sake, but also for my own.

I didn't want to live like that, blinded by hate and anger.

It wasn't the reason why I joined DRGNS in the first plance, but it somehow grew with every day that had passed.

Sighing, I knocked on the small office of the janitor who received me a few seconds later. He explained the tasks I had to work on as a punishment and led me into the sports hall. There I was supposed to mop the entire floor and tidy up the storage room full of scattered sports equipment.

"Great", I sighed tired to myself after the man had finally left and ran my hand through my black hair.

"You always manage to get yourself in shitty situations, don't you."

Without further ado, I found a bucket and a mop and walked over to a random corner of the room.
The sooner I begin, the sooner I could leave.

So I started to mop the floor of the hall and I cursed internally at the size of the area. It did't take long for my body to feel pain in my back, but punching fucking Lee Donghyuck in the face was worth it.

Some time passed until I had finished the first quarter as all of a sudden the door flew wide open.

My eyes instantly shot in that direction and I groaned in annoyance while trying to ignore the familiar feeling that came up in my body.

"You idiot, I just mopped there", I growled at him angrily and sighed, placing my hands to my hips with an annoyed posture.

I was exhausted. Not only physically, because I had to do this tiring work, but also psychologically, because my own emotions made my day way more difficult than they actually should.

The last few weeks really had drained all of energy and my body felt as lethargic as if life had been sucked out of me.

To just exist seemed like the biggest challenge at that moment.

"What should I do?" asked the boy, who looked as exhausted as I felt.

But although he made a tired impression, it did not stop him from staring at me with his dark brown eyes. As always, they radiated smugness and amusement and made sure that my dislike for him automatically grew bigger.

Did he take anything in his life seriously?

No matter what time I approached him, it seemed as if he would take everything with ease, as if the world already belonged to him.
It seemed as if he was worrying about nothing ,seeing every situation as a little game.

But life was not a game. Life was a  bitch that could take everything from you any moment when you were careless and happy for just a second.

"You can sort and organize the sporting goods in the closets."

He nodded in silence, resting his eyes on me a little longer than was definitely necessary.

The whole situation was already unpleasant as it was, no need to stare at me like a psycho.

"Get to work", I now grouled loudly at him, hoping he would finally shift his gaze, but of course I provoked a different reaction from what I had originally planned.

Instead of the boy finally turning around and walking over to the storage room, he now came straight towards me while the expression on his face darkened.

Unconsciously I took one step back with every step he took towards me, until my own back hit the wall behind me shortly afterwards.

All the warning signals in my body came on simultaneously as the brunette boy was now standing close in front of me with both his hands resting on the sides of my head. His hair fell tousled across his forehead while he held his head at a slight angle.

I wondered how the two of us could always find ourselves in such situations.

It was not that I ended up here on purpose. Actually I just wanted to keep my distance from him, but the boy in front of me did not care at all. No matter how hard I tried to keep him away from me, he always found his way back to me and ignored the term 'personal space'.

"You're in no position to be giving me orders, sunshine."

His eyes looked right into mine, piercing their way to the back of my head.

"I respectfully don't care, asshole."

I know I still have to update the second chapter for today BUT I'm getting some ice cream first lol🤭

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I know I still have to update the second chapter for today BUT I'm getting some ice cream first lol🤭

See ya later ma babes😘

NVM the new chapter is out

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