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3rd Person POV

In Kingdom Plutia,Alice had been training herself for the past month while Luffy had been further tuning his ability to see into the future.

Since Alice was registered as an adventurer,Luffy and her would sometimes go on quests to hunt for Magic Beasts.

"So,are you gonna be taking part in the tournament Straw Hat?"Alice asked while a little bit of anxiety can be seen in her eyes.

Luffy was eating meat.......again.

"Nope."Luffy said without hesitation.

"Why?"Alice asked raising a brow.

While she was relieved such a powerhouse like him will not be participating,she was a little curious as to why he would decline.

"I fought in an arena once and I was stuck there."Luffy said while pouting.

Alice whipped her head at Luffy her jaw was hanging.

"Did you actually just use your head?"Alice muttered to herself which Luffy did not hear.

"There was not enough meat."Luffy said while chewing down on the meat in front of him.




"I take back what I said,you are still an idiot."


Katakuri was sitting and eating doughnuts as he was also drinking a cup of tea.

He was having a paradise.......which was interrupted by a door opening and Meera coming inside.

"Save those for the trip,it's time."Meera said before going to the washroom.

Katakuri looked at the doughnut in his hand.

And the ones in the bag.

"One more would not hurt."Katakuri said before eating the one in his hand.

Katakuri snapped out of his trance.

"No,the sinful doughnuts will hinder me in the journey."Katakuri said seriously while looking away from the bag.






"One more."


Two figures are riding a ship.

It was traveling in a specific direction where land can be seen.

"Finally,almost there and I will finally reach Plutia."

A silver haired man was standing on the deck of the ship looking to the land now known as Kingdom Plutia.

Kingdom Plutia was always near the sea,so they had created a dock for transportation here.

"What is it that you want from there any way."said a woman also with silver hair behind him.

"I have someone to meet over there,they will most likely be there because I have a feeling."the man said.

"Why do you want to meet them?"the woman said raising brow.

"I owe them one."the man said with a bright smile.

"Aww,my little brother is in love~"the woman said in sing-song voice.

"Shut up!"the man snapped at her.

"Your no fun."the woman pouted.


Two girls are walking on a street.

They were Rei and Mei.

"Rei,why did you not participate in the tournament?"Mei asked.

"I do not like violence."Rei said while sighing.

"But you still practice your Null Matrix?"Mei said raising a brow.

"It's for self-defense,not for selfish harm."Rei glared at her.

"Sorry sorry~"Mei sang with a mocking tone.

"Oh by the way,I think I have seen the Straw Hat boy you wanted meet."Mei said glancing at Rei while smirking.

Rei perked up.

"Really?"Rei asked with a pleading look.

"Maybe."Mei said while closing her eyes and whistling lightly.

"Moo~,just tell me Meiii."Rei said while pouting and punching Mei comically.


Kian was sitting on the throne while waiting for an hourglass to finish.

The last dot of sand fell down.

Kian immediately stood up.

"It's Time."


The prologue is here.

Oh and also I will make sure Luffy and Katakuri are not participating in the tournament.

I want them to meet in a special way.

Luffy and Katakuri will interact with specific characters.

If there are any mistakes tell me.

Another World Vol.3(One Piece Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now