Chapter 33

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Angel POV

*Extra long, with the dash of steamy part. Enjoy*

I lost a huge part of me, now all that's left is a worthless, good for nothing, broken man. "Look at what you did...As soon as this child is born we're getting a DNA test. You fucking ruined my last chance at happiness, get the fuck out before I get even more angry" I pointed towards the door, Claire nodded as tears feel down her rosy Cheeks and ran out the door.

Mother came and gave me an apologetic look "Angel, go after her. If you just explain to her I'm sure she'll understand perfectly" she smiled, giving me a hug. I hugged her back "How do I know she'll want to even listen? The way she looked at me...with those broken tearing eyes, she'll never forgive me. I messed up mother, I messed up bad. If there is anything I could do to get her back trust me I'll do it in a heartbeat"

"I know. I Know you would, just give her sometime. Talk with her tomorrow morning, I'm sure she'll give in consideration" she pulled away, kissed me on my temple then left inside.

She's right...I'll make it up to you, Isabella just wait, I'll prove how much you mean to me.

I couldn't sleep, her tears, they're heart breaking. The strongest man weakness will always be a woman crying. Isabella was my kryptonite, without her I'm nothing, I feel nothing.

There's no way Claire knew where I was, she would never would have ever come unless something or someone made her... she never called me, if she did I would have known. I have to get to the bottom of this.

Finally after taking a sleeping pill, I finally feel asleep.

"Angel, how could you? You fucking liar, I hate you" Isabella cried.

"Isabella, please try to understand"

"Fuck you. Get out of my house and my life, I never want to see you ever again"

"Cuore mio, please I love you"

She smirked evilly at me "Did you ever think I'd bring myself to love a helpless excuse of a man like you? Ha. You make me laugh Angel, I never loved you or will I ever. I already have someone to my heart and he's everything you'd never be" she smiled showing me the ring on her finger.

"Isabella, don't say such a thing. Of course you love me, don't you remember?"

"Oh, I do. And how you lied to my face, that's why I found someone new. Angel, meet my new fiancé" she said holding hands with...T-Troy?.

"Hello, Mr.Rossi. Fancy meeting you here...I see you've heard the news"

"Get away from her, you piece of shit" I said clenching my fists.

"At least I would never lie to her...twice, that was a bitch move my friend. Thanks, man. If it wasn't for you, we would never have gotten engaged"

"Isabella, please. Listen, don't do this. I can't live another day without you"

"Then die already so I won't have to feel this pain in my heart. You know I really hate lying, so why did you tell me the truth? Anyways it too late now. I'm pregnant with his unborn child. Have a nice life" she smiled walking away holding hands with Troy, I ran after them but found myself surrounded by darkness. I woke up gasping for air, sweat all over my body.

She's never do that to me, over my dead body. Stupid nightmare.

I looked towards the wall clock, 2:29. Isabella should be up at this time. Quickly I got dressed and drove straight to Isabella's house, knocking on the door, Isabella opened it. Her eyes red and puffy, she looked pale and drained.

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