The Kiss

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The hug lasted for quite a few moments. You heard a chorus of "Aww"s coming from the crowd of people.

You and Finn finally pulled away and sat back in the circle. Bubblegum had a hint of jealousy on her face. You smirked mischievously at her and she scowled. But then, you noticed a glint in her pearly-pink eyes. She wasn't going to give up just yet.

"Ehem...So, Finn, truth or dare?"

You facepalmed. You knew she was going to choose Finn, and she wasn't quite going by the rules. Finn, being the daredevil that he is, obviously chose dare.

"I dare you to kiss me." You froze.

You thought she was going to say something different. Why was she going this far to win Finn over you?
Finn blushed darkly and got up, walking over to her. He was actually going to do it!

You felt like crying and hid your eyes with your hair. You slowly got up and left the circle quietly. You left the room and went over to the balcony and sat on the fence to keep anyone from falling.

Finn, meanwhile, was still walking over to PB. It was a big circle after all. As soon as he got to her, he stopped, and the next thing she knew, she had a red mark across her face.

Finn had slapped her.

"What are you thinking?! You saw that [y/n] confessed to me just now, and you just let your jealousy lead you to being a bad princess."

PB was crying by now. She had never expected Finn to ever hurt her, or even call her a bad princess.

"You are a spoiled, jealous, princess. And you had your chance to be with me! And what did you do? You tried to kill my ex!" Finn left the room to look for [y/n], before he could get any more angry.

You were sitting beside the balcony door, sobbing. Your knees clung to your chest and you were watching the moon with teary eyes. You heard running footsteps and tried to hold your breath, but failed. And you heard the footsteps stop in front of you. You felt arms embrace you in a tight hug.

"[y/n]..." Finn didn't know what to say, he wasn't good in a situation where a girl was crying. You felt his warmth and sat on your knees so you could rest your head on his chest.

"I didn't kiss her..."

You stopped and looked up at him. He had tears in the corners of his eyes. "Please don't cry..." His voice cracked. You both unconsciously leaned forward until you felt your lips touch.

Little did you know, someone was watching...

The Land Of Ooo [A Shitty AT Fan fiction]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя