Chapter 4

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Lyra POV
I woke up this morning with a massive headache. Blurred visions of last night flooded my mind. I can't believe I was so intoxicated last night I fought a random bitch. Even though she was being disrespectful as fuck bumping into me and shit, I didn't need to whoop her ass. My stomach started to hurt really bad and next thing you know I'm kicking open the bathroom door and throwing up. All the alcohol and food from yesterday was now in the toilet. I felt my hair being picked up away from my face. "Thanks Kat" I said trying to catch my breathe. "It's not Kat ..." A deeper voice said, I turned around quickly, terrified from the unknown voice. "Hey baby" Michael said with a big smile. "OH MY GOD" I jumped up on Michael and held onto him. I couldn't believe he was here. "I wasn't expecting you to be here yet" I said excited. "I missed you too much I just had to get down here early" Michael pecked me on the lips and made a sour face. "you should brush your teeth" he said laughing and wiping his lips.

I playfully hit Michael and made my way to the sink and started to brush my teeth. After I turn on the shower and slowly start to strip off my clothes in front of Michael.

His eyes were now wide and not moving away from my body. I wanted to give him what he wanted, what he was missing. I walked over to Michael and helped him take off his shirt. While he was unbuckling his pants I planted soft kisses on his neck. Michael picked me up and carried me into the shower.
The warm water was hitting my skin as Michael kissed my bare body.
Holding me up with my back on the wall, Michael starts trailing kisses from my breast to my inner thighs. Small moans started to escape from my lips. I've missed this so much, I wanted him so bad.

After an endless hour of making love to Michael in the shower, I was starving. My stomach started to growl, "Babe, I'm hungry" I complained. "go eat cereal" Michael replied smirking. I threw a pillow at him, "No I want to go out and eat". Michael looked at me and I pouted. He starts to laugh "Alright I give in, let's go". I squeal in excitement and kiss Michael. "You're the best baby" I say looking into his eyes, "So are you mi amor" Michael genuinely replies before kissing me deeply. This was my man, he loves me and I love him. I'm definitely not gonna let Abel fuck this up.

Abel POV
Me and the boys were at an Italian restaurant in downtown Toronto. We was chillen making jokes and being our usual selves. Hawk was cracking on Lamar for getting punched in the jaw by Lyra. Lyra didn't do any critical damage to Lamar just a slight bruise.

Hawk: "I still don't understand how you let her sock you in the face nigga"

Lamar: "cause maybe if Abel wasn't just sitting on the couch like a fucking statue, I wouldn't have needed to stop her. She looked like she wanted to fucking murder ya shit Abel"

Me: "She did, I'm just glad she got you instead of me"

Hawk: "She had that Muhammad Ali in her nigga"

The whole table erupted in laughter at Hawks joke. Lamar threw a piece of bread at him for him to shut the fuck up. Even though my boys were dumb half of the time I still ride out for them. Unfortunately it was only me, hyghly, Lamar and hawk. Cash was to busy setting up more clubs for me to perform at, he's usually the busiest one of us all.

As me and the crew was lost in our conversation I got distracted by a girl entering the restaurant. She was thick, short, wearing this nice long black dress that hugged her body nicely, her hair was down and messy but it looked perfect on her. She was accompanied by a tall guy about 6'1, he had strong facial features. His haircut was shaven on the sides and curly on the top. He was masculine and had a caramel skinned-tone. I refocused back on the girl, I couldn't quite make out her face because her messy hair was covering it. The waitress was now escorting her to her seat and she grabbed the guys hand and followed the waitress. She moved her hair out her face and that's when I noticed ... It was Lyra.

As Lyra walked by my heart dropped and we made eye contact. The smile that was on her face from the guy she was with making jokes washed away as soon as she saw me. I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes back at me. Lamar nudged me throwing me off from my thoughts.

Lamar: "Nigga, ain't that the bitch that socked me in my jaw ?"

Me: "Yeah, she here with some other nigga" I said annoyed.

Lamar: "Why you sound so upset ?"

I didn't realize the tone in my voice when I spoke. I quickly cleared my throat, "Nigga what I got to be upset about ? I can have any bitch I want !". That was true, I had tons of bitches every night throwing themselves on me. Now seeing Lyra with this other nigga made me want her only.
I watched Lyra have dinner with this guy. She never looked back my way and it was obvious she was avoiding my gaze. She constantly would bust into laughter from what this nigga was telling her. He would reach over the table and hold her hand and brush his thumb over it just like I did when me and Lyra had lunch together weeks ago. Seeing her enjoying being with this guy was killing me, I was ... Jealous. It was so easy for him to make her smile really hard and she was practically drooling over this nigga. Then he reached over moved the stray hairs from her face and kissed her. Jealousy and anger was starting to spread over me. "Abel ? Abe- yo nigga you ok ?" I heard hyghly ask. I looked away from Lyra and tried to calm myself down and it wasn't working. " I'll be back" I said getting up quickly and throwing my napkin on the table. I started to make my way towards Lyra's table ...

*I know this chapter probably sucks and is short but I promise next chapter is gonna be WAAY better and longer. Give me feedback PLEASE and vote. My book finally reached close to 400 views and I'm really happy and thank you for reading my story. I really do appreciate it ! <3 *

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