Mr. Loverman (BSD)

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A/N So this one really got me in the feels while I was writing. Be ready for tears.


I'm heading straight for the floor
I stumbled as I felt my body collapse. The exhaustion of using corruption had started to settle in. But that time I wasn't scared.
Because you were there to catch me.

The alcohol served its tour
I downed the 8th shot as I attempted to drown out the memories of us.
Of all this history with the man I loathed and loved.

It's heading straight for my skin
Leaving me daft and dim
"Oh please! I could outsmart you anyday!" I boasted.
"I'd love to see you try" you snickered back.

I've got this shake in my legs
Shaking the thoughts from my head
You laughed as I stood up "ha! Face it Chibi you will never be taller than me"
I giggled as we attempted to size each other up. All these times we spent together...
How could we be so naive?

But who put these waves in the door
I'm cracking out
I pour
You rushed towards me as I took another shot, your image swimming in my head. Your smiling face reaching a hand out to me and I just want to take it because ...

I'm Mr. Loverman
Your head curled up in my lap and you faded out of consciousness. I smiled at your sleeping face and lay you down on the bed. I beamed how cute you are.

You were.

A N D   I   M I S S   M Y   L O V E R,  M A N
I felt as you touched my arm, this power and anger that was tearing me apart faded away. I began to fall backwards off the building when..

I'm Mr. Loverman...
You pulled me into a hug giving me a last gesture of affection before launching me back up to safety...

O H   A N D   I   M I S S   M Y    L O V E R
You gave me a genuine smile, of sorrow, of appreciation, of love.

Of finally receiving the death you had always wanted.

The ways in which you talk to me
"Chibi~" you chirped, hanging over my head.
"Get down here you waste of bandages!"
"Only if you come up here and make me~"

Have me wishing I were gone
"The only thing I like about you, maybe, is your taste in shoes" you said nonchalantly.
"You think?" I asked, curious.
"Just kidding of course" you snickered.

The ways that you say my name
Have me running on and on
"Oi! Tell me where we're going dammit" I asked irritably.
"Sorry, would you mind not talking to me? I'm busy breathing right now" you replied back, jumping from pillar to pillar.
"I'm going to rip your head off, you suicidal maniac!" I screamed at you, running to keep up.

Oh, I'm cramping up, I'm cramping up
You're cracking up, you're cracking up
I watch as you break down, tears I had never seen before flowing down your beautiful face, telling me everything.
The pain the emptiness...

The love.

I'm Mr. Loverman
As you fell you smiled.

And I miss my lover, man
Did you see this coming too?

I'm Mr. Loverman
Why didn't you tell me, my love.

Oh, and I miss my lover
Maybe because I never told you I loved you..

I'm shattered now
You were so vulnerable as you told me how you felt and all I did was push you away.

I'm spilling out
Upon this linoleum ground

I'm reeling in my brain again
Before it can get back to you
But I'm regretting how much I didn't tell you, confessing that the feeling was mutual to your grave..

If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in this grave.

Oh, what am I 'sposed to do
Without you?
Without soukoku... what will I do?

I'm Mr. Loverman
The police sirens ringing in my ears.

And I miss my lover man
Your mangled body on the floor.

I'm Mr. Loverman
If I was a little bit stronger, maybe I could have saved you.

Oh, and I miss my lover
I found the letter you left me.

I'm Mr. Loverman
You knew...

And I miss my lover, man
S O   I   S C R E A M

I'  M   M R .   L O V E R M A N.
O H   A N D   I   M I S S   M Y   L O V E R.

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