Chapter 1

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Your POV

Well today could have been better. I was fired from my job because somebody accused me of doing something that I didn't do. Of course my manager couldn't  send me away empty handed after my fair share of work so she gave me one last paycheck.

$200. Wasn't enough to pay the rent but it was enough to get Dabi something for our anniversary, which was next week.

Speaking of Dabi, he must be hungry after a working hard all day. The least I could do was treat him to dinner since he's too lazy and reckless to go make it himself. I stopped by at his favorite restaurant to buy him his favorite food.

He'll love this, I thought as I headed home. I can already picture my sweet Dabi sleeping on the couch.

I'd poke him on his head and say, “Wake up, sleepy head. I brought you food.”

I opened the front door and the room was very dark. That's funny, Dabi always leaves the lights on....

I turned the lights on. I herd a faint female voice coming from upstairs. “Oh, Dabi, yes. Right there, right there ...”

I rushed upstairs and flipped the switch. I froze when I saw a blonde haired girl laying on top of Dabi on our bed, she was riding him and she was wearing nothing but a black bra.

Dabi took his cock out of her and pulled her off. “Oh, Y/N what are you doing here so early?”

Oh wouldn't you like to know? I thought desperately. Dabi, cheating on me? I didn't want to believe that Dabi, the same guy that I was with for 3 years, would betray me like this.

“Oh, so your Y/N. This must be like, so hard for you to process right now.” mocked the girl he was cheating on me with.

How long has this been going on? “Really?” I held back the tears. “Your sleeping with some other girl on our bed, Dabi?” Not even the couch or the table? It just had to be in the same bed that we shared?

Dabi got up and slid his boxers off. “Don't feel bad, I still care Y/N. But you know, things happen.”

That son of a bitch. And here I am, using the remaining amount of my fare share of rent money to buy him his favorite food, and he's.....

The food. I just realized that my hand was clutching the plastic bag that held the food that was supposed to be for him. It's not like he's going to eat it. By the look on that girl's face I'm sure he had plenty to eat.

I took the food out and started throwing it at that no good for nothing asshole and that ramen noodle haired bitch.

Sauce got into their eyes but I didn't give a single shit.

“What the fuck, Y/N?” Dabi yelled.

“My eyes! My hair!”

I threw and threw untill there was nothing left, and then I threw the tray and bag at Dabi, causing it to slam in the face.

Those good stains on the bedsheets aren't going to come off easily. “Have fun with the roaches. I herd they're active this time of the year.”

I stormed out with tears conquering my eyes. They kept falling and falling. How come I didn't notice that Dabi was cheating on me before? Maybe I part of me did feel like he was cheating. But I didn't want to think that he was cheating because I wanted to believe that the Dabi I knew wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I guess that's the thing about betrayal. The moment you find out about it, the damage is already done.

My life was a lie. A big fat lie. My lover? A cheater. My home? A place I can no longer claim.

I've stayed at Bonnie's house ever since.

{Ride Good}: CEO Bakugou x Assistant ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now