Britian's Devilish Tricks

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December 5th, 1940

General Montgomery went up to the two Heads of State of the Union, Winston Churchill and Paul Reynaud, in London, he had something planned that would win the war in North America. "Yes, Montgomery, what is it?" Churchill asked the General. "Sir, as you know, the Americans have taken Canada and are planning an assault on the mainland," he told the two leaders with his hat under his arm. "Yes, we are quite aware of that, but we are unsure as to how we'll combat them once they get here, their military could overwhelm us with sheer numbers," responded Reynaud. "Well sir, I propose an idea for a superweapon" Montgomery spoke with confidence, the two leaders were confused and curious as to what the General has in mind. "As you both know, a few months ago there was an unprovoked attack on Berlin. A mysterious gate appeared without warning that led to thousands of soldiers and monsters charging out of it in an attempt to take the city."

"What is the point you're trying to make, Montgomery?" Churchill said sternly

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"What is the point you're trying to make, Montgomery?" Churchill said sternly. Montgomery spoke with confidence again, "They also had dragons, dragons that were not only killed in the failed attack, but some that are let loose somewhere around the world, our world! I propose we find these dragons, capture them, create and/or train them to use them in battle not only against the Americans, but the wretched Germans as well!" Churchill and Reynaud were actually intrigued by this plan, and thought of it as a new way to not only remove some thorns in their side, but to also regain position as the dominant western superpower. They agreed with the idea and let Montgomery go through with it. Montgomery now had the chance to destroy two enemies with one stone.

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