Chapter Nine: Alex

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Entering the school office, a kindly looking older woman smiled up at them in greeting.

"Hello, dearies! How can I help you?" she asked brightly.

"Hi, my name is Jason Stonewall-Smith, and this is Alex Xander."

She started typing into a computer, "Alexander, what's your last name?"

"My last name is Xander," Alex said. Sighing, at the woman's blank stare, she elaborated, "My first name is Alex. Well, technically, Alexandra. And my last name is Xander. So, I'm Alex Xander."

"Oh," the secretary was silent for a moment, then finishing what she was doing on her computer. With a beep, the printer behind her began to expel paper. Once, it finished printing the secretary handed them their schedules and locker information.

"Thanks," Alex and Jason said as they received them.

"Have a wonderful first day!" the woman bid them farewell with a smile. "Oh, and Alex! No hats indoors."

With a sigh, Alex took off her snapback and hooked it on her backpack. Upon exiting the office, the two foster siblings heading to their lockers which to their surprise were right next to each other. They began to place their extra books and things into their lockers when suddenly Jason gasped and squealed in a stage whisper to Alex.

"Oh, my gatos! Alex! It's that hot guy from yesterday!"

Alex followed his gaze and saw that royal pack werewolf from yesterday. He was across and further down the hall from them, talking to two girls who had their backs turned to them. Alex could see that the one on the left had black hair that reached down to her midback while the one on the right had shoulder length dirty blonde hair. The black-haired girl was built like a basketball player, tall and lean. While the dirty blonde was shorter but had more curves.

"Do you think he's dating one them?" Jason asked nervously.

Alex scoffed, "I doubt it."

"He better not be," Xandara growled in her mind.

"Since when do you care so much for Jason?" Alex asked. Xandara didn't answer but Alex could feel her watching the two girls.

"What makes you say that?" Jason asked interrupting her thoughts.

Alex laughed, "Dude! Did you see the way he was flirting with you yesterday?"

Jason blushed and looked down, "he could've just been being friendly."

"Well, now, I definitely doubt he's dating them," Alex said quietly. While Jason was looking down, the two girls started kissing. Alex, to her surprise, could feel something stirring downstairs. Jeez, pervert much? She thought angrily to herself. And forced herself to look away and so didn't see Nick Martin approaching them.

"Hey, Jason...and Alex, right?" he greeted.

"Nick!" Jason yelped slightly louder than necessary. Alex just rolled her eyes.

"First day, huh? What's your first class, handsome?" Nick asked running a hand along Jason's arm.

"Ca...calculus with a Mr. Hendriks," Jason stammered. Nick smiled showing off his white teeth.

"You're in luck. That's my first class as well. Would you like me to show you around?"

Jason just nodded eagerly and followed Nick who was guiding him with a firm yet gentle grip.

"Oh, that's ok. I can figure out how to get to class by myself," Alex muttered under her breath. "Ugh, mates."

Her first class was English with her foster mom. She entered the classroom just as the bell rang. Grace smiled widely as Alex entered. She indicated for her to come and stand by her desk.

"Good morning class. My name is Grace Stonewall-Smith. I know that can be a mouthful so please feel free to call me Mrs. S. I'm going to be your teacher for the rest of year due to the abrupt...absence of last English teacher. Anyway, this is a new student by the name of Alex...Xander." She paused in-between the name to make clear the difference. Alex looked over classroom and saw two open seats on opposite sides of the class. One by skinny looking girl and one by the black hair girl that Alex saw earlier. When Alex meet the black-haired girl's caramel eyes, her heart stopped.

"Mate! Mate! Mate! I knew it! Mate!" Xandara screamed in her head running around in circles. The girl's eyes widened and flash green meaning that she was a werewolf. She eagerly indicated the seat next to her, but Alex quickly averted her eyes and sat down next to the skinny girl. Ignoring her foster mother's confused look. Now that she was closer, Alex could tell the skinny girl she sat next to was vampire. Alex had a mixed past with vampires. She's met good ones but also quite a few bad ones.

"How are you doing that?" the vampire softly hissed a moment later. Alex had suppressed her scent as soon as she realized that the other girl was her mate and was doing her best to avoid looking at the girl who was staring intently at her.


"Suppressing your scent. I didn't think you mutts could do that," she said flashing a sly grin.

"Practice," Alex said bluntly.

"I'm Sophia by the way."

Before Alex could reply she was interrupted by Grace beginning to call attendance.

"Reina Alvarez," she called.

"Here," her mate answered, and Alex felt weak in the knees at hearing her voice.

The next hour and half was spent with Alex forcing herself to not even look at the other side of the room much to her wolf's anger.

"Why are you avoiding mate?" Xandara demanded.

"I can't deal with having a mate right now. I thought we agreed no mates for us." Alex mentally sighed.

"No, you agreed. I want mate."

"She already has a girlfriend! Remember?" Alex snapped. Xandara didn't respond, she felt confused. Most wolves would've been consumed with anger at the thought of another with their mate but Xandara didn't feel jealous at the thought of her mate with the other girl.

"I still want mate," Xandara said firmly.

"She's going to reject us. We're a freak, remember? Sides even if she doesn't care about that. What about our scars? Plus she's gotta be a member of the Royal Pack. You really what to open that can of worms?"

"Mate wouldn't care. Mate would love us." Xandara whimpered anxiously. Alex couldn't tell which them she was trying to convince.

Finally, the bell rang dismissing the class. Alex quickly fled the room and spent the rest of the day avoiding the black-haired girl.

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