Oh... I Guess I Did Let Him... uh-ho

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Ormiss leaned over me, the sheets twisted around his hips, and kissed me slowly.

I surrendered for a moment. I couldn't not.

His fingers played with one of my nipples and he pressed closer.

"I want to see the others." I pushed Ormiss back with both hands.

He pushed back and kissed my collarbone instead. His hand slid down my thigh. "You will see them."

I pushed harder. "Sooner than later."

"Yes, soon."

"Ormiss, stop." I felt more than a little guilty. I'd had a night of hot sex with Ormiss while the other four had been rotting in a dungeon and Korr fought for his life. "Soon. Promptly. In short order."

He sighed. The flow of breath against my skin made me murmur and squirm. "As you wish. There will be time for pleasure afterwards."

"Haven't you had enough?" I asked weakly.

"You have five consorts and I am the only one available to you, and you concern yourself with enough? I should be asking you that, and fretting I will not be able to keep you content alone."

"I survived this long," I said. Granted, not without difficulty...


"Are you fretting?"

"I welcome the challenge presented."

So he was fretting.

He kissed between my breasts. "We will eat, and bathe, and get dressed, and I will take you to see them."


Ormiss sat on the couch along the far wall, one knee bent and foot next to him, his wrist resting on that knee. He watched the two hippocamp fuss over me with narrowed eyes, flicking his fingers back and forth. He was already dressed, with only one necklace around his shoulders, and his hair braided away from his face.

"Is this necessary to go down to the dungeon?" I asked as one of the hippocamp fussed with braiding my hair and arranging various little pins and combs adorned with elaborate arrangements of glass and seashells and other things into it, while another fussed over exactly what dress I'd wear and how exactly the folds of fabric would be arranged.

"This is just to wear around the palace walls," Ormiss said. "You do realize you have a standing somewhere just below princess, don't you?"

"But I'm not the lost princess," I complained. And the Queen had made it damn obvious she hated me. And didn't like Ormiss much either.

"No, but you're my consort, and I am still one or two steps removed from the throne, depending on which courtier is calculating the route to power," Ormiss said.

"But the Queen is so angry with you she struck you. Twice. I've been hit by my Lady, but I'm just a low-bred kitchen maid."

Ormiss shrugged. "I have infuriated her many times before. It's of no concern. I was still going to be Regent, and have not been formally removed from being Regent, nor have any of her three sons been groomed for power, which is quite telling. I suspect one will be groomed now, but it's quite late."

"I'm not following."

Ormiss was not usually so serious about anything. "I have spent my entire life preparing to rule the Hippocamp in my cousin's name. My male cousins were raised as Queen's sons, but even when my cousin disappeared, they were not groomed, while I continued to prepare to be Regent. I was groomed since I was a colt to be Regent. They have never been groomed to rule, and now, should they be, they will only ever be replacements with inferior preparation since time has been lost. They had other plans in life, and given that hippocamp do not favor Kings that do not yet have Queens—"

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