34: Zaheer

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"Zaheer is a madman, he just took out the earth queen, and now Ba Sing Se is in utter chaos. This is not good, at all, the city had fallen, and things aren't going to be good. Honestly, I'm scared. What if Zaheer makes another move on my family, mom, Tenzin. This isn't good."

Ally placed up and down the pub, her feet leaving tracks in the hard dirt floor. Her green eyes were full of worry and stress, her cheeks were thinner then normal and her eyes had a dull look to them. Then she suddenly stopped in her tracks and bolted out of the pub, she ran out to the middle of the small town and smiled. 

"About time!" She yelled at Mako and Bolin. "I missed you weirdos." She was pulled into a group hug and she laughed as she was spun around by Bolin. 

"Oh, man it's so nice to see you!" He exclaimed. 

"Well good, you're not all dead," Lin came out of the pub with her hand on her hip. 

"Getting soft are we, chief," Mako teased. Bolin slid over to Zuko and had a total fangirl moment. 

"Dude," Ally pulled Bolin away. "Lord Zuko, this is my friend Bolin." 

"Guys, Zaheer gave us a message," Mako told Ally and Korra. "He's going to the Northern Air Temple, and unless you both turn yourselves in, he's going to wipe them out." 

"We need to warn them," Ally's face paled. "We need a radio with a strong connection."

"Zaofu will most likely have one," Lin said. 

"I am not going in another hunk of metal," Ally put her foot down. "I need to be able to feel where I'm going, and not be in a metal coffin."

"She can come with me," Zuko offered. He held his hand out and helped Ally onto his dragon. Ally smiled as the wind whipped through her  hair, tearing it out of its usual knot. She couldn't help but laugh as she looked at everything around her, it was beautiful. They landed in Zaofu where Su was waiting for them. 

"Any luck?" Korra asked Su. 

"No," she replied sadly, looking at everyone's worried faces. "I never should have let Opal go up there, what if Zaheer's there already."

"It's alright, Su," Lin put her arm around her sisters shoulders. "It's going to be ok." They kept trying to reach Tenzin and the others, but no one was answering. Ally was overcome with surges of anxiety, her father, siblings, and cousin were all in that Temple. 

"We have to do something," Ally whispered. "Or he's going to kill them."

"I'll get my forces and airship ready," Su walked off. Ally was pacing again, shaking as she realized what was about to happen. 

"We won't be able to get there in time," Mako sighed.

"Wait, Ally and I can meditate into the spirit world and try to trap Zaheer!" Korra exclaimed. "He always goes to Xi Bau's Grove."

"I don't like that," Lin said warily. "I can't protect you or my kid in there." 

"It's a long shot," Ally chimed in. "But it could work. It's worth a try after all." They went out to a garden and sat face to face, they went into the spirit world to try and confront Zaheer. But when they got there, he wasn't there. Korra felt someone come up behind her and Ally could sense a man walking behind them.

"Found you," Korra snarled. 

"No, I'm just an old man, don't hurt me," an old man's voice called out from the fog. A white-haired man in green robes came out of the mist and stood before the two women. 

"Iroh!" Ally recognized him immediately. 

"Hello, Alice," Iroh recognized the young woman as well. "And hello, Korra."

"Hi, what are you doing in Xi Bau's Grove?" Korra asked. 

"I was looking for a new teapot, but I found you and Alice instead," Iroh chuckled. "Here in the spirit world, you tend to find things you don't look for." Korra's face fell and she looked away from him. 

"Korra," Ally said gently. 

"Are you alright?" Iroh asked them. "You look rather troubled." Iroh had Korra and Ally sit down so they could explain. Korra told him about the new air nation and how it was going to be wiped out by a madman. How they had no connection to their past lives, and had no idea what to do.
"It's all one big mess," Ally chuckled. Iroh suggested talking to Lord Zuko, since he and Aang were best friends. Iroh smiled as Korra vanished, but Ally remained. 

"Are you okay, Alice?" Iroh asked. 

"Yeah," Ally replied. "I'm just worried about my father. But I think you're right, Lord Zuko could help."

"He was Aangs council when he was alive," Iroh confirmed. "He can help."

"I'll talk to him, thank you, Iroh," Ally vanished with one last thing. "I'll tell him you say hello." When she went back into the material world, she told Korra to get a hold of Tenzin while she talked to Zuko. 

"Lord Zuko!" Ally called out to the old fire lord. "Before you leave, do you have a moment?"

"Of course," Zuko replied. 

"What would Aang do if he was in my situation?" Ally asked. "You know him better than anyone besides Katara."

"Aang wanted to rebuild the air nation more than anything," Zuko said. "You and Korra have accomplished so much, and he would be so happy. He might had given up anything to protect the new airbenders." 

"Would he give himself up?" Ally asked. 

"I'm not completely sure," Zuko put a hand on her shoulder. "Even though airbenders are closest to him, he was the avatar and he loved all nations. And right now, the world needs you two." 

"Thank you, Lord Zuko," Ally bowed. "Your uncle is right, you five pretty good advice." 

"You talked with my uncle?" Zuko leaned forward, shocked. 

"Yeah, like 10 minutes ago," Ally gestured backwards. "In the spirit world. Korra's talked to him more than me though." Zuko's amber eyes widened and he couldn't say anything. Mako ran out and told them they reached the air temple. But by the time they warned Tenzin of the attack, Zaheer was already there, they were too late. 

"No!" Korra yelled. Ally paled and tears formed in her eyes, she sunk down to her knees and put her face in her hands.

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