Cora-San Loves You

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

"Guys, we should leave since I'm sure the Marines are coming. I'm heading first to my ship since it's nearby the Eastern Dock." I said

"Be careful (M/N), you're still badly wounded." Robin warned.

"It's fine... I don't think any of them are really interested in capturing me so I'll be alright. Law are you coming with?"


Getting up, Law and I left towards the area my ship was docked. He seemed to perk up when he marines especially when Sengoku was mentioned so I decided to take him to where Sengoku was. He was sitting on the rubble of one of the houses. Law seemed hesitant to show his face but I nudged him foward after giving a small wave to Sengoku who was eating. For now, it was just the three of us. Law leaned against the wall while I stood much closer since I was more comfortable.

"A soldier died a while back... He was a special one to me. I met him when I was just a boy and began to think of him as my own son. He believed in justice more than the average man and was a very trustworthy subordinate but in all his life, he only lied once," Sengoku began.

"He betrayed me but I'm sure he had a reason too. Four things were lost that day. The barrel pirates, the life of my subordinate, the Op Op Devil Fruit and the boy suffering the Amber Lead Syndrome that was with the Donquixote family at the time." Sengoku finished.

"Yeah. That was me." Law admitted.

The air grew tense. Law admitted that Rosinante took Law to every hospital he could find for half a year. He gave away his life for Law's which Law turned into making his life goal to defeat Doflamingo in his place. Sengoku wanted to know why he really died and Law admitted that he had the will of D just like Luffy. He didn't tell Sengoku I had the will of D. It seemed like Sengoku knew something we didn't. He told us that Rosinante didn't know the meaning of the Will of D so he shouldn't assume Rosinante died for that.

Sengoku threatened to haul Law's ass to prison if he would have still been an active Marine where they could talk more. Well, Law's pirate side could have. If everything Law had done was for Rosinante's sake then he told Law that they shouldn't forget him. Law turned away and pulled down his hat as his lips trembled. He told Law to live his best life. I watched as the two connected despite never looking each other in the eye.

"Law, do you see Rosinante in (M/N) like I do sometimes?" Sengoku questioned.

"...Sometimes" Law admitted.

"Hey... Old man...?" I asked.


"Can.. I tell you something?" I questioned.

"Go ahead. You've asked plenty of dumb questions before, grasshopper."

"...I have the will of D. I'm (L/N) D (M/N)" I admitted.

A long sigh could be heard from Sengoku and for a few seconds, I thought he was mad until I realised that he wasn't. He was just worried for me. Sengoku was now properly meeting my gaze. I told that I had gotten it from my father. He walked up to me and ruffled my hair and my hat. He reassured me that it was fine and warned me to be extra careful. He wouldn't add my full name to my bounty.

"Still love you, young grasshopper."

"Sengoku..." I whined at the nickname.

Frowning, I let out a long sigh before giving up and walking off with Law before rocks started falling from the sky. I told Law to go on ahead and I saw Issho and Luffy fighting with Luffy announcing each of his attacks before he did them despite Issho having access to Haki. That brought a smile to my face. In the end, I waved and yelled out my goodbye before taking off to my boat and tying it to the larger one. That day, the Strawhat Grand Fleet was established despite Luffy rejecting it. I had a good laugh at that.

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