Pt 6: The New Student Arrival...

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Saturday 29th, July 2018.
12:55 pm at Wendy's house.
"Stacey Get the Fuck up", Wendy Said, while tapping My shoulders rudely.

"What do you want" I grumbled, Sleep Still within My eyes.

"Are You seriously asking me, what I want?" She queried.

In that case, this is what I want, "Get your ass off my bed and head to the Bathroom", She said while pointing her finger towards the bathroom.

"Okay, fine. Just give me 10 more minutes", I said, In a faint manner.

"You got to be kidding me!. Stacey, it's 12:56 in the afternoon, and you're still in bed!", She said.

"Look I got a really tight schedule, continued Wendy, We need to head to the mall and shop for outfits, Zoey's birthday party, it's happening today by 8:00 pm at her house, Do you still remember that?", She asked me, giving me a fuzzy look. 

"How can't I, She makes it so difficult to neglect, plus, I'm tired of meeting the same people in different bodies" I stated.

Wendy then said, "Oh! please, Stop acting like a kid, We all know, she's sometimes annoying",

I gave her the type of look you give someone when you know they are telling lies.

Looks like she got the idea.

"Ok, maybe all the time," she said.

"But it wouldn't be a nice telling on you if you don't come for her birthday party. Forget all that she has done to you, Just for today, We need to respect the fact that this is her special day," Wendy said.

"This is unlike you Stacey you're usually the forgiving type, are you sure it's because of Zoey's problematic issues, as the reason for you not coming"? She asked me, expecting an answer, but I didn't give her one. I hate to say it, but she's right, that's not actually the reason for me not coming.

"Girl, you can tell me anything that's bothering you, I'll understand, that's what friends are for", Wendy said.

"But if you don't feel like loosening up, suit yourself, I wouldn't mind. But I want you to know this, you're like a sister I never had", she concluded.

I looked at her, feeling remorseful, realizing how important my friends are to me.

"Thanks, wendy I really appreciate it," I said.

"No problem, she replied. Now, about your earlier statement, ( you're like a sister I never had...), I'm pretty sure you have a sister who bears the name Addison, Right?", I told her.

"You're absolutely right" she responded.

So..., I really don't get where you're coming from 'I told her'.

She answered back with just seven-letter words "Exactly!" I then giggled.

"Now, get up and go shower," Wendy said while pulling me up, dragging me towards the bathroom.

"Why are you such in a hurry," I said, Stiffening myself,  in order not to enter the bathroom.

"Well, Wendy Continued, I need to go babysit Kenzie's kid sister, She's leaving for the mall with her friend Cassandra, Her dad isn't in town, her mum it's very busy working, which leaves Amy alone with no one in the house," she replied.

"Aww... I feel her, she doesn't have any playmate of her age." I said.

"Yeah that's why I babysit her, she really enjoys my company, and I certainly enjoy the outcome of my service", Wendy said, We both laughed.

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