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The boys already came only Harry Lux and Anne ain't here we haven't talked to them since they came and we all made a decision to break up with them even on how hard it is the bell rings I stand up and open it

"Shelby" Lux hugs me and I spin her around I just hope she doesn't ask why we were crying

"Hey cutie" I smile "mom dad this is Anne and Lux Harry's mom and sister"

Mom and dad introduce themselves and talked and I'm pretty sure mom and Anne are getting along so well I'm scared

"Let's go to my room and show me what you learned" i whisper to Lux she grins

"Yay" she jumps and we walked to my room she did her steps we taught her she's still trying and pretty good then someone knocks at the door please may this not be Harry

"Come in" I said Anne walks in and frown looking at me worriedly

"Shelby I can see you not okay"she said i shook my head a tear drops down she pulls into a hug

"It's Harry h-he cheated on me and broke my heart" I said she gasp

"Why why would he do that?" She frown I shrugg and shook my head and cup my face..

"Does this mean you and Hawy are not together anymore?" Lux ask I nod she frowns

"Don't worry I will still visit you" I hug her she smiles

"I'm mad at him" she said I chuckled

"It's okay honey you still family to us" Anne hugs me I nod

"Thanks" I said she wipes my tears

"C'mon let's go downstairs" she said I nod and take Lux hand "your house is beautiful and big"

"Thanks we try" i said she chuckle

"You or your parents?" She raised her eyebrows

"I also try...to keep it clean" I add she chuckle and shook her head we walked down stairs and sat between Lux and Mom eating in small pieces

"Did hawy make you this sad?" Lux whisper I chuckled

"Kinda" i said looking at my plate while Everyone questions

"You know i once saw hawy holding his private part and rubbing it up and down and say oh shit is that okay?" she giggled I gasp almost falling from my chair Natalie instantly choke on her food and laughed then excused her self to the kitchen laughing and cup her mouth everyone looks at me I laughed

"I'm sorry" I laughed still holding Luxs mouth with wide eyes open I look at Harry then back at Lux and shook my head "no it's not okay" I whisper she giggled I sip my water

"He said it's normal and it's good by the way he is huge" she laughs I choked on my water and hit my chest

"Sweetie you okay?" Mom ask I nod and sigh

"Y-yes I'm good just a little ... Shocked" I look at Anne she shrug

"My daughter really loves your son" dad said I rolled my eyes

"Yeah she like always talked about him" mom adds i stand up

"Excuse me" i said and walked to my room my mom carried on talking about shit I walked to the bathroom and washed my face I look my self in the mirror and broke down I applied my self with lotion and a little cologne and walked out then sit in my seat then my phone buzzed Henry's name pops up

"Yes?" I whisper

"I wanted to ask you if I could come see you but you already said yes then I'm coming" then the line goes of

"Wait what no no no Henry Henry Henry" I groan and put my phone on my lap I feel eyes on me I looked around to find Harry's who sat across him and his red eyes and gentle tear drops down and mouthed 'im so sorry' I shook my head as mom gives us desert mom nudge me hard in my arm where I was shot

"Ow ow ow ow owwwww" I groan in pain

"Ohhhhhhhh my God I forgot" she gasp and help me take out my jacket luckily they was no blood

"What happened?" Anne ask

"Got shot" I said she gasp Louis tells her about what happened mom dad and Anne continue talking about a collection about something

"I have it in my office let's go see it"dad said him Mom and Anne stood up and walked away leaving us alone quietly

"Harry I really love you more than anything right now but this...us... Can't continue" I said tears flowing none stop Natalie sniff

"Yeah it was a great journey but I'm sure it has come an end" she shook her head

"It's not me it's you I think we should see other people" Danielle said I snort and laughed "you know like how they do in the movies" I nod and laughed

"Yeah but seriously boys we can't do this anymore" El shook my head and burried her head on her hands

"This is all you'll fucking fault you couldn't even hold your self drunk it's fucking disgusting" I cup Lux ears

"You'll can go find those slut I'm sure they'll be honored to have round two" Natalie shrug and walks away so did anyone leaving the boys crying

"Shelby does this mean you and Hawy are weally not together anymore?" Lux ask loudly I nod

"Yes honey" I said Lux pulls me into a hug I pulled away "let's go to my room" I whisper she nods and look at Harry

"Even though I don't know what cheating means but I know it not good because you'll made them cwy I hope you happy now hawy" she looks at Harry so did I he even looked more hurt we jog to the my room

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