Rescue Mission

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Cora lifted her wand to shield her and Ginny from the curses that the Carrows were sending them

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Cora lifted her wand to shield her and Ginny from the curses that the Carrows were sending them.

"Impedimenta!" She heard from behind them and saw Amycus Carrow being thrown on a wall, falling behind Minerva McGonagall who was battling Corban Yaxley. She quickly threw a stunning spell at Alecto who was thrown against one of the portraits whose inhabitants ran to another frame. "HAVE YOU SEEN SNAPE?!" Harry asked angrily, sprinting past her.

"He just passed with Draco-"

She didn't even get to finish her sentence because Harry was running to the direction she pointed at. Ginny was battling another Death Eater while Tonks was exchanging spells with Rowle.

"Cora, look out!"

She was almost hit by the Cruciatus Curse that Amycus Carrow sent. A stunning spell hit Amycus and he was rendered unconscious again. Over six foot tall of redhead and grin dashed towards Cora. They stood back-to-back as two more death eaters started to battle them.

"Thanks." Cora said breathlessly, putting the death eater to a full-body bind curse. "Where's the better looking one?"

"He's helping out Tonks." The redhead answered, tilting his head towards Tonks and his identical twin. "Figured I should give you a hand. I am also very offended by your question. I am clearly the better looking twin-"

"Eh-" Cora shrugged with a tone of dismissal, not letting him finish his sentence.

"Hey, just because you're his girlfriend-" He didn't see Silas Avery pointing his wand and getting ready to send a curse in his direction. Cora waved her wand and levitated Silas away. "Thanks for that." He sighed.

"Don't mention it, Freddie." She smirked.

Then she heard it. The cries of Fawkes, who flew from the Headmaster's office and weep in lament.

"I'm afraid it's going to happen soon, Cora."

She remembered their Headmaster saying a few days ago in his Office. He was looking at his hand that time, the one that is covered with bandages. He told her that she must prepare because the inevitable is near. And based on how Fawkes acted, it seemed like it just happened.

Albus Dumbledore is dead.

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