29: The Dark Lord and ??

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-November 20 1991-
"Thank you precious." Voldemort said softly, a fond smile resting on his face as Little One beamed at him brightly, watching with glee as Voldemort bent down and accepted the bouquet of flowers. Voldemort set them in a vase by his bed and then lifted the happy toddler into his arms. Little One sat comfortably on his hip, his head resting in the crook of Voldemort's shoulder.

Voldemort walked with Little One down the stairs and through his castle, a disinterested mask resting calmly on his face. When he arrived in the kitchens, he placed a squirming Little One on a chair---tweaking the Inferius's nose when he pouted at the distance---and called a House Elf to prepare their meals. Though he didn't need to eat, Little One enjoyed having meals with Voldemort, and Voldemort, ever weak to spending time with the bright and cheery Infeirus, couldn't refuse.

Eating a morning meal with his son was calming, and it helped Voldemort mentally prepare himself for the nightmare that the day would surely bring. As Voldemort watched his son splatter himself with oatmeal, he pointedly refused to think about the speeches he'd be forced to listen to later this afternoon.

Today was the day in which the two candidates for Minister of Magic were to give their speeches to the public, defending their position and explaining why they were the best option for the Republic. Voldemort didn't want to suffer through Dumbledore's speech, but as the Lord Supreme, he knew he was expected to be there.

After the meal was over---Little One undoubtedly having more food on himself than inside his stomach---Voldemort was forced to get ready for the speeches. He set Little One in the bath and cleaned the oatmeal chunks out of his hair before he left him to play, Nagini watching guard while Voldemort got ready.

Voldemort dressed in elegant robes, and he carefully combed his hair before he deemed himself acceptable. As Voldemort walked back into the bathroom, he fought back a groan at the sight of his soaked floor. Little One looked up from the rubber ducky that was currently fighting a war against the floating boat and waved at him, a silent giggle escaping his lips. Voldemort felt his face soften at his adorable son. Little One's eyes narrowed, however, when he took in the sight of Voldemort's state of dress.

"Papa go 'way?" he asked, his whisper echoing against the silent bathroom.

"Papa has to go to the New Ministry today," Voldemort answered, a wandless drying spell fixing the water soaked bathroom. "Nagini will be watching you today." Said snake was currently resting her head against the edge of the bathtub, the rest of her body submerged in the warm, bubbly water. She flicked out her tongue before nodding in agreement.

"I protect the hatchling." the hissed before resting her head on the rim of the tub once more.

Little One's emerald eyes glanced back and forth between Voldemort and Nagini, his eyebrows scrunched together as he debated whether he should throw a tantrum and insist Voldemort stay or if spending the day with Nagini was acceptable. Finally, Little One nodded and went back to attacking the floating boat with his rubber duck.

Voldemort ducked his head gratefully, as he wasn't in the particular mood to deal with his son's tantrum today. (Although, he wouldn't mind the excuse to stay home. Dealing with the eternal four-year-old sounded far better than dealing with the idiots at the New Ministry.)

Voldemort sighed and checked the time with a scowl. It was time to go. He pressed a kiss to his son's damp hair before he exited, leaving Nagini with specific instructions to protect Little One. She hisses at him, grumbling about how she is perfectly capable of protecting the child, but Voldemort is too far away to hear her complaints.

When Voldemort apparates into the open square outside the front entrance to the New Ministry, it already bustling with people, and Voldemort fights back a sneer at the sheer number of people. Everyone is anxious to hear the speeches from the two candidates, and because of this, the people fill the small square and spill out into the streets around it.

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