•❅──────✧❅✦ 1 ✦❅✧──────❅•

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Andrew looks out his apartment window and sees a moving van way down the street. He smiles. He hears footsteps and looks down. "Get away from the window..." Andrew moves away from the window and sees his apartment mate, his legal guardian. 

He closes the curtains and Andrew nods. He makes his way to the bedroom. He goes in and shuts the door. He strips to his boxers and kneels on the floor with his palms on his thighs. He faces the wall. He hears the door opens and footsteps. 

"Why were you looking out the window, you know the rules right?" Andrew feels a whip glide slowly against his back, not hitting him, just moving across. "Y-Yes, Sir..." "Then tell me why you were looking out the window!" Andrew flinches. 

"I-I thought.... you'd l-like to know... T-there are n-new neighbors... told me to a-always tell you..." Andrew gets pulled up by his waist and thrown on the bed. "Why! WHY WOULD I LIKE TO KNOW THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE AROUND US THAT COULD SEE YOU!" 

Andrew doesn't flinch and goes back into the same position but on the bed and facing him. "B-Because I'm o-only yours..." He looks down and feels a rough, calloused hand move his up. "That's right... you're mine..." Andrew nods and feels lips on his. He reluctantly kisses back. 

He looks up. His legal guardian smiles and picks the whip up and Andrew's eyes widen.


Andrew lays in his dark bedroom. He pulls the sheets around him. He gets ups lowly and grabs a pair of boxers and puts some warm clothes on. He pulls his jacket on and beanie hat. He leaves his bedroom and goes to the door. "Andrew!" Andrew grabs his shoes and opens the door. 

"Get back here!" Andrew runs. He happy he took soccer when he was younger. He runs until he gets the the new neighbors and bangs on the door. "Help me!" He looks behind him and his eyes grow wide. The door opens and someone pulls him in. "You okay?" Andrew shakes his head. 

Andrew looks and sees a guy with dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. "You okay?" Andrew shakes his head. "Tell me..." "My older stepbrother was chasing me..." "For leaving?" Andrew nods. "I have a guest room..." Andrew looks at him. 

Andrew' stomach grumbles and he wraps his arms around his stomach. "Hungry?" Andrew looks at the clock. It's almost 10. "A little..." Andrew follows the guy until he gets to the kitchen. 

Andrew sees the guy open a sealed small tub of caramel and has him the warmed up bowl of caramel and apple slices. Andrew' eyes light up. "Ever tried caramel before?" Andrew shakes his head. The guy grabs an apple slice and scoops up some caramel. 

He bringsit up to Andrew' mouth. Andrew opens his mouth and takes the apple slice in. Andrew hums. "Good?" Andrew nods and eats another one. He sees the guy looking at him and stops chewing. He blushes and looks away. "Fully?" Andrew sees no more apple slices and nods. 

The guy takes the caramel and puts in the fridge. "Follow me, I'll show you the guestroom. Andrew sees the guy extend his hand and Andrew flinches. Andrew looks and sees the guy looking at him. "Follow me..." 

Andrew follows him and sees a room with a lamp, soft looking bed dressed in white, dark wooden floors and a white fluffy rug. "Thank you..." Andrew takes his beanie and jacket off. The guys takes them from him gently and hangs them on the wall near the door. 

Andrew places his shoes on the outside of the door by the wall. "Get some sleep, my bedroom's down the hall if you need anything..." Andrew nods. The guy goes to leave. Andrew looks at him. "Wait..." The guy turns to him. "W-waht's your name?" "Michael..." "Andrew..." 

Andrew smiles. "Thanks again.... Michael..." "It was nothing... could you tell me why you were running tomorrow?" "Maybe..." Michael nods and leaves. Andrew takes off all his clothes except his boxers and lays down under the warm blankets. He hears tapping and gets up. 

He goes to his window and sees his step brother. He runs out of there with a small fluffy blanket wrapped around him. Andrew sighs and goes down to Michael's room. He knocks quickly and the door opens. "C-could I sleep in here?" "Sure, everything okay?" 

"My stepbrother was outside my window..." Michael nods and lets him enter the bedroom. Andrew looks around the large room and it's very dark. He remembers his bedroom and shakes a little. "Come on..." Michael lays down and lifts the covers for Andrew to slip in.

Andrew goes over and gets under the covers. "Tell me in the morning?" Andrew nods. Michael falls asleep as well as Andrew.

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