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   My state of confusion and euphoria lifts from my shoulders in an instant, sending my brain into a jungle of panic.

Imagines flash through my head, coming to a halt once I connect eyes with the driving madman.

Stefano has his jaw locked, gripping the wheel the hardest he could. His knuckles paled through his tan skin, having me worry once my eyes travel up his arm.

"Seatbelt." My dry throat breaks through the air sounding foreign to my ears. He speeds, leaving me no other choice but to panic even more.

My hands grip the seatbelt, pulling it to cover my body. "What?" He doesn't look to the side, focusing on having control of the car.

"You're not wearing your seatbelt." Panic was heard in my voice, sending a fast smirk to his lips. Letting out somewhat of a laugh, he mocks me.

"You care for my safety, prezioso?" His voice deepened as he spoke.

"Put it on!" I scream, feeling my chest tighten. He shifts gears giving me a side eye. He almost looked concerned, almost.

He completely ignored me looking in his rear views. "We're being followed." Those are not the words I wanted to hear.

I look behind us to see a SUV swerving around cars. "Stefano please i'm serious put it on."

My heart became loud dining in my ears, having me shut down. My hand shook, trying to swallow my breaths.

He shift the gears. "My hands are full right now, doll." d-

"Doll? Doll?" I repeat myself getting angry. Who is he calling doll. A dark laugh leaves his lips, "What happened to pretzel?"

"Pretzel!" He swerved, knocking me into the car door. He sends me an amusement look.

"You're right I am a doll, i'm a fragile human being, if you crash this car I will become a human pretzel!"

I scoff, forgetting the ringing of my heart for a minute. Long enough for Stefano to arrive to an airport. Not another plane.

Only one was on the runway sending a nervous spike to my chest. My family wasn't joining. It was just the two of us, where were we going.

I didn't know him. I might have some sort of attraction that I can't understand towards him, but he is a mob boss.

It's not like it's held me off this far, wow i'm shading myself. Thinking to myself, Stefano was already out of the car and holding my door open.

He held one of his tattooed hands out. I get out walking past him, and up the planes steps. This wasn't a game, I can't treat it like one.

Walking past the pilot, I smile.

Every day that I was around him, something just happens. He was a moving target, now I am. Halting in my steps I look the lavish jet over.

The interior was a light brown, making the white seats and couch pop. Hearing feet walk up the steps, I rush to a seat.

Stefano walks in with an unfamiliar man behind him. Paying me no mind they sit close to the entrance speaking in Italian.

Every so often Stefano's eyes drifted to mine. My eyes never left his body, trying to burn a hole into his suit.

Awhile pasts, we were in the sky now. I closed my window, receiving looks from the men. Sitting still, barely even moving. My mind travels to my family.

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