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"Void... What even is that?" Y/n inquired. This of course caused poor omnia to internally face palm.

"Did your person tell you anything at all." Omnia asked frustrated.

"Nihil told me some things. Just not that thing." Y/n told.

"You had one job and you failed." Omnia said tryingvto keep her cool.

"Don't insult Nils like that. I'm sure he had his reasons." Y/n huffed.

"Yeah i do." Nihil's voice was heard. All the gaurdian look at the wisp of nist that was Nihil. "I couldn't burden her with it. That thing is extremely dangerous."

"Is it that void thing." Y/n piped in.

"Yes it is N/n. You see void is a last resort. You can say its like a black hole." Nihil explained. "That's what make it dangerous."

"How does that have to do with burdening her?" Omnia questioned.

"When one has the ability to use void things may go wrong. " nihil paused "i didn't want y/n to lose important people if she got in a sudden rage and if she used it. She is emotional after all. Many things could go wrong"

"Aw.. Wait. I'm not emotional." Y/n responded.

Dream, Omnia and Nihil shook thier heads.

"I guess it time to teach you." Nihil sighed. "Y/n I want you to listen carefully."

"Wait why so suddenly?" Dream questioned.

"She knows now. So might as well." The wisp answered.

"Nils?" Y/n spke out.

"Okay. Fist things first focus on one thing and try your best to feel absolutely nothing" nihil instructed.

"Nothing." Y/n repeated.

She never liked feeling nothing. And now she had to feel nothing. "This is impossible." She groaned.

"Focus y/n" omnia called out.

"Right." Y/n did as she was told. She cleared her mind and detached ftom her feelings. Everything after felt like second nature. She pointed at a certain direction. A sort of black magic whizzed over to the extact spot where she pointed. Toward a small pebble on the ground. In a split second it was no longer there as if it had faded from existence. Y/n whose eyes had changed to reflect her magic turned back to tjier normal state of (e/c).

"I kinda feel tired." Y/n spoke slightly shaking.

"Dont worry that is completely normal. Youll get the hang of it." Nihil reassured.

"I hope so" y/n whispered as she collapsed.

Dream had rushed to his friend's side.
"Y/n! Oh no not again."

"Its fine Dream. Like nihil said its normal." Omnia repeated. "Come inside . so you can both rest. Its two days until the full moon anyway."

"Okay Omnia." Dream said getting and carrying her toward the tiny cottage. Placing her down on the sofa.

Error had grown suspicions. He hadn't seen Nightmare in a while.

"Hey Killer. Have you seen Nightmare." Error asked.

"Now that you mentioned it I havent." Killer said pressing his thumb on his non existent chin.

"Man i thought you would know since youre always up his ass." Error laughed.

Killer just stared him down.

"But anyway. Ima go see what going on cause i have nothing better to do."  Error announced.

He walked down the main hall. Seacrhing every room he passed by. Until he reached Nightmare's room.

"Man i must be really stupid for not checking this place earlier." Error muttered. He opened the door. There was a high pitched sweak making him wince.  After getting in he coses the door and tries to turn on the light.

When he manages to do that he found Nightmare on the floor.

"Woah." The glitch yelled.

He proceeded to poke nightmare repeatedly.

"Huh. Usually he yell at me to stop." Error thought out loud," wait.. Holy shit." He snickered" Hes knocked out.. That is so funny."

"Hey tentacles get up." Error spoke. When he saw Nightmare not buding he tried to make him by wrapping his string on the skeleton. When he tried to he saw the black goo start to drip.

Error face showed one of repulsion.  "That is so disgusting." He drew back his strings. They had a bit of Nightmare's goo on it. "Aw my poor strings."

"Now what do i do." Error thought. "Eh maybe ill just leave him there."

Error walked out closing thr door when he did.

"I found him." He told killer.

"Wait where?" Killer asked full of concern.

"His room." Error replied.

"Oh." The skeleton took in.

They both didbt think much of it.

Loneliness and darkness surrounded Nightmare. At any moment his other self could wake up and strangle him. It was only a matter of time.

He held onto the hope that someone would have heard him.

The sound of of a thud caught the little gaurdians atention. He turned around t see someone walking around.

Nightmare was confused. He was in the dreamscape where only dream could come but not even he could enter the mind of his brother. 

Then who was it he thought.

"Um hello? Who are you?" He called out.

The figure stopped wandering and looked at him. "You look familiar." They spoke. They tried to come closer. "Have we met? Im... Wait what is my name... Sorry i can't seem to remember." The figure conversed.

Nightmare felt a familiar feeling radiating from the person. "If it helps. I'm Night- er Im nigh-" he tried to introduce himself. There was something stopping him from finishing though.

The figure cocked their head. "Night... I feel like ive heard something like that."

The stranger sat down. Nightnare still couldn't distinguish the figures features since they were a pale white.
The only thing that stood out was thier eyes. They were black.

Nightmare felt a warm feeling. "I want to ask something."

The figure looked like it was dissociated. "Yes?"

"Can you help me?" Nightmare went straight to point.

"Oh.." The stranger said suprised.

"I- sorry I" nightmare tried to piece words..

"No no its fine. What is it." They asked.

"It complicated. But another me is gonna wake up any moment and hes going to be really angry that I knocked him out and I dont want to die. " nightmare rushed.

The figure looked deep in thought. "I will."

Those words floated in his mind as they faded. He was alone again.

Void [Nightmare X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now