Inturia (Tentative Name)

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"Is she awake?"

"I think so"

My eyes opened; the haziness swirling around me. My surroundings growing more and more clear as I blinked.

Everything hurt so bad, as if someone had slammed me repeatedly into the ground, my body felt majorly bruised,

I let out a shaky moan of pain, but forcing myself to turn my head over, to the cold black eyes staring at me.

I concur; hundreds of tiny black eyes staring at me.

A spider.

Well more like a spider face plastered on a small pale human like body, staring at my pained horrified face.

I couldn't even scream as the spider thing slowly touched my face. It's fingers were ice cold.

A strange clicking sound came from its..pincers? Then an oddly child like human voice echoed out of it.

It sounded like a small boy. And it was speaking to me in full on English.

"Can you move your body?"

I must've looked like a gasping fish out of water because it backed away a bit. Removing it's freezing hand from my face.

It spoke again, the childish voice making my head clamp inside in pain.

"Uh can you understand me?"

I let out an odd croak. Then coughed making my body nearly curl in pain. The cough was vibrating through my body painfully.

But I forced myself to speak, speak not scream, something that was hard to do.

"W-what ..where?" Was all I managed to get out, my voice sounded hoarse, craving water.

The spider seemed to sense my need. It ran off and then returned instantly wirh a small cup.

It came to my side and helped me up. Tiny squeals of pain escaping me. And fear coursing through me.

But I drank the water eagerly, relieved that it was just water, and not something a lot worse.

"I found you a day ago. Lying by my cave...but I think you'll be ok, you don't seem to have any broken bones or anything" The childlike voice giggled as it hand patted my tangled hair.

He pulled the cup away from my face as I gasped.

"Where am I"

The spider seemed surprised by my question, it helped me sit up against a wall, as I looked around in exhaustion.

I was too tired to even feel fear at the moment,

And spider boy had been right, cave was exactly the word for where I was, but almost like a house like cave.

Little Knick knacks we're everywhere. Human like things too, couches and blankets, it was surreal.

"You're in Inturia" Spider boy said as he ran quickly to small indent in the other side of the cave.

I froze. The name vibrating in my pained ears.

I knew it. I was in this fucking world.

I was finally in it. I had succeeded just like I had planned.

Spider boy came back to my side, nearly screeching as he saw me attempting to get up and failing.

"What are you doing?! You're injured! You have to rest!" He wailed trying to grab me and hold me still.

I refused to look into his many eyes and then yelled out.

"A human girl ?! Is there a human girl named Leia here?! She would probably go by the name ,'Isla'!"

Spider boy froze, my body still in his cold bare arms, as he stared at me, making small like squeaking sounds almost.

"....Why are you asking about her?"

I finally sat back down and looked at his many eyes. Gross.

Pushing back the fear, I glare at him.

"I need to know where she is"

He let out a weird sigh/ squeak and softly helped me sit properly. Then pulled away fiddling with his hands.

"She's with the vampires. If you know her it's no use. She belongs to them now"

The fear nearly exploded in me. My glare faltered and I ignored my physical pain.

My voice was still hoarse but less dry sounding now.

"What do you mean? Am I too late?"

He stared back at me.

"Who are you?"

For a second, I didn't reply , and then the words just seemed to rush out of me. As if they had been trapped in me forever. Which they really had been.

"Leia is my younger sister, I've been looking for her for 3 years now, I ... I knew she would be in this world. That's why I had to come here and find her. Save her"

There was silence in the cave.

Then he spoke again, the child like voice sounding more mature now.

"I don't sense rhat you're a witch. You're just an ordinary human. How did you know about this world?"

I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"I saw her get taken. I saw her and then I saw everything about this world, in my head, in my dreams. For the past 3 years I ended up giving up my soul to find her. There's not much human left in me Spider".

The horrified squeaking noise echoing from him was all that came next. I looked down at my lap.

After all, this is what I had wanted, and I had finally come to this Hell to save my little sister.

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