Chapter 06

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The brightness of sunshine gleamed on the road and over Amy's sports car, driving off leaving from the main city of Bridgefields busier capital behind.

Their trip was wrapped in quietness, Amy really wasn't expecting Cyrus to remotely start a heartfelt discussion sooner than later. He even decided to take the back seat instead of sitting in the drivers side, Amy didn't mind, she was thankful because Cyrus's scent just had Saber restless if he was too near.

Cyrus sat there looking out everything that passed by, It was nice to have the radio do all the murmuring in the background, but now Amy was very concerned of the boys reluctantly to use his voice. That won't be to his best advantage as communication is vital to survive in her school and wit stand his own peers, especially the students who might take his refusal to speak in a rude way. Mostly she's referring to well...

Al. Her complicated nephew.

Cyrus's mortifying aroma would cause the werewolf students to get nervous, if not than intimidated by the muted teenager and Al might take it severely worse. Though she'll just have to wait and see how Cyrus presence will make an interesting uproar for everyone.

But if anyone will fit the bill for this, it was going to be Northwood's bad boy.


"Welcome to Northwood High School, kiddo." Amy proclaimed and they could see in the distance the top of the schools view, Cyrus tilted his head sideways.

The landscape surrounding the school itself was covered in enormous forestry and based on the map that was on their pamphlet, Cyrus found out there is also a whole bustling town and lake not too far within the campus property at a measurable kilometer. Though, Cyrus somehow saw through all the elegance the school's building seemed menacing and ultimately he's suspicious with it.

Was this even a school? He thought, the outer ambiance of the institution looked like a real life medieval castle, similar in those fantasy books he read in the public library or within his old schools, Cyrus was kind of overwhelmed just looking at the place he would be staying at. If he manages to last a month here.

It was this school or totally dropping out of ever graduating and Cyrus knew he really had to try to make this work.

Truthfully, Cyrus knew despite all the praise from other schools in the city, and Northwood's academic acclaimed reputation. This institution gained other reputations for students being reckless and It was the cage horrible teenagers were practically sent away to for their rehabilitation training, this place was just that good at whipping kids into shape. Most graduates would sign up for the Marines, Air Force, and the Army if they choose. This now meant doing things he disliked doing before.




That was just the top of his list, Cyrus was stressing out about these because he's gonna have to suck it up. He isn't sure if he'll be able to restraint himself if somebody in there starts picking on him too. However in contracts to this, the only expression apparent on his rough face is the knitting of eyebrows, making this thin lined crease appear.

It's not because he doesn't like doing any of the three, Cyrus was extremely timid and many assumed he's a bad guy based on the thick walls Cyrus created.

Labeling him as sociopathic.

The boy who didn't care for others and isolated himself from this damn world.

The front iron gates were pulling back by themselves before they were even meters away to welcome back their principal. When Amy's vehicle had approached the school she drove into an underground parking lot, Cyrus got off and slung his cheap backpack on his shoulder, he didn't have much personal belongings to bring with him anyway.

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