10 Knight in Shining Armor

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It was Saturday, 5am. That meant it was time to hang out with Varian for a little bit before it was training time.

You got up quickly, changed your clothes, and left your room silently. You snuck past the guards, familiar with their timing, then snuck up the stairs, finally making it to the prince's room.

You knocked the secret pattern that lets Varian know it's you and not even a minute later did you hear a groan and the door opened.

Varian's hair was messy, he had his pj's on, and just overall looked like a adorable sleepy teddy bear. You giggled at the sight of him and ruffled his hair.

"So today's the big day huh?" Varian stretched, yawning. You couldn't help but jump up and down. "Yes! Just one last training session with mom, then I'll be officially named 'the prince's guard' by your dad!"

You practically ran in his room and jumped down on the bed. "I still don't see how it's fair you get to have such a comfy bed," you pouted, snuggling with one of his fluffy pillows.

Varian walked up to you and crossed his arms. "Well, if you like it so much, we can have a sleepover," the boy said, taking the pillow from you and hitting you with it.

Your eyes lit up ignoring the fact that Varian had just hit you with a pillow. "REALLY?!"

"Yep, I'll sleep on the floor," he said to you, hoping you would say something along the lines of  "no it's okay". But instead, you just said "Thanks, I appreciate it!"

"So, what are your plans for today?" you asked curiously. "Well, I'm going to come with you to watch you train, then go with you to officially name yourself my guard," Varian said excitedly.

You were stunned. "Really? There's nothing that has to get done today?" "Nope."

You guys continued to talk about random stuff and you helped Varian pick out an outfit. When he was done getting ready in his bathroom, you guys went to training area.

"Good morning mother," you said excitedly. "Morning, y/n," your mom responded handing you a sword. "Just because it's our last day scheduled to train, doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. Oh, hello Prince Varian," Lilith, your mom said waving to Varian, who was sitting on the side in the grass.

"Let's get started."

(time to play the song) A/n: when they say "him" it refers to Varian and when they say her, it refers to Varian's mother.

"Alright, everything begins with your stance," she says, putting one leg in front of her. "Remember: you do it for him, and you would do it again," she sings pointing her sword at Varian.

"You do it for her, that is to say, you'll do it for him."

She walks towards you and begins to sword fight.

"Keep your stance wide, keep your body lowered. As your moving forward, balance is the key."

You try your best to focus.

"Right foot, left foot, now go even faster. And as your moving backwards, keep your eyes on me."

"Keep my stance wide"

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