Sneak Peak!

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A short sneak peak from the upcoming chapter. Will be taken down when I've updated

Third pov

Marinette hadn't seen her own back yet.

And now, standing in front of the full body mirror, she wishes she still hadn't.

It's a cris cross of healing scars and fading bruises and somewhere in her mind she hears herself wondering if it's really her body she's looking at.

Up until now the miraculous cure has saved her from a lot of lasting damage as a superhero.

It feels a bit ironic that the first obvious permanent reminders of a villain didn't come as a superhero or even from Hawkmoth.

No, instead it came as a civilian, and because she was trying to save someone else.

"Do they hurt?" Plagg asked as he landed on the sink.

"No." She runs her fingers over the scabs on her lower back. "I barely feel more than a small itch." It's the truth. She hasn't even thought about it. Her hip has been more of a problem, really.

"Beloved, are you alright?" Damian asks from the other side of the door.

"I'm fine, I'll be just a minute longer!" She called back.

She pulls on a black tank top before opening the door.

Damian smiles (he does it a lot around her, Dick mentioned once). "Are you ready to meet the guests? They're friends of father, the youngest son is my friend as well and the older is Tim's."

"I'm ready." They leave to greet the Kent family.

I hope you like it :)

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