{⋅. Seventeen .⋅}

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"We're off to see the nether! The wonderful nether of... nether?"

"Needs work."

"You'll get it eventually Sapnap don't worry."

The three of them were now by the lava pool. Dream was sizing it up, trying to figure the best way to make the portal, while George and Sapnap were seated by a pile of gravel, farming for flint to create a flint and steel.

Dream cast a look back at his friends, a water bucket dangling from his hand.

"Are we sure we want to do this?"

"Yes." Sapnap and George chimes in unison. They quickly turned to each other and pointed an accusing finger.

"Jinx you owe me-"

"-a kiss on the lips."

"-a sod... wait what?"

Sapnap sat unblinking, dead serious look on his face and a small smile. George slowly shuffled away.

"Yeah... no."

Letting out a small chuckle, Dream turned back to the lava pool. Crouching down, he shuffled to the edge and took out his cobblestone, and placed it down. Then he set his water beside it.

The water sizzled, creating a small, obsidian wall around it. Dream quickly removed the cobble, watching it fall into the hot pit and burn. The water moved to replace the fallen comrade, creating more obsidian to make a total of four. Reaching into the water, Dream then knocked out the two stone underneath it, making it a 2 block deep pit.

Taking a deep breath, Dream scooted over and once more took out his cobble, and proceeded to make a upside down L out of 4 blocks on the far right side, and then placed two more pieces to his left, leaving a one space gap.

Scooping up the crystal water, he quickly rose to his tippy toes and poured the water on the corner of the upside down L, letting it flow into position. Some drops of water sprayed into his shirt, and some managed to find their way over to his friends, who were still digging for flint.

Well, they were more arguing then digging for flint.

Dream rolled his eyes and turned to kneel down beside the lava. His heart beating in his ears, he dipped his empty bucket into the lava pool. The glowing, fiery liquid radiated a strong wave of heat as he pulled it out of the pool. Dream marched right over and quickly dumped it by the water. The lava hissed, then quickly transformed into the black stone.  

Dream's spirits soared as he quickly repeated the action, creating a frame of obsidian with rapid speed. At one point, Dream almost slipped and was almost send flying into the lava. Letting out a scream, he steadied himself.

Letting out a deep breath, he turned back to George and Sapnap to tell them he was alright.

Only to find out they were still arguing and hadn't noticed a thing.

"Some friends they are." Dream thought bitterly, finishing off the portal.


Literal children.

Finishing the frame, Dream moved the water back down to the bottom to finish off the portal before scooping it up again. He turned back to ask for the flint, only to remember he left that task for the two boneheads behind him.

Sauntering past the two imbeciles, Dream bent down beside the pile of gravel, somehow managed to get a piece of flint first try, and made his way back to the portal frame.

"Here we go." He muttered to no one in particular. (Dream would have said it to his friends, if theY WEREN'T BICKERING THOSE MOTHER F-)

Quickly moving the flint and a piece of iron he had gotten from George earlier into the crafting menu in his inventory, he now held a flint and steel. Taking a deep breath, he bent down beside the portal and stuck it.


It lit up, brilliant swirls of purple waves. A vortex of spinning spirals. Small purple particles floated around, some being sucked into the portal and vanishing, as if it had gone through.

Even the two pinheads stopped their quarrel to stop and admire the portal. Letting the annoying sounds it was making slowly wash over them.

Dream turned to Sapnap, and tilted his head towards the lava pool.

"Let's get rid of that compass before we go in." Dream said.

Sapnap nodded and marched over. A compass materialized in his hand and he pulled his arm back, preparing to throw it in.

"Give me a countdown!"

George laughed, and clapped his hands like a child on their birthday.



Dream rolled his eyes.

"Just do it!" He shouts over all the noise.


Of course, they really never listen.



Sapnap hurled the compass into the lava, letting the flames engulf it and drag it under, reducing it to ashes.

George wrapped his friends into a hug. For some reason, small tears of joy sprung from the corner of his eyes.

"It's gone!" George cheered. "That stupid compass, it's finally gone!"

Dream looked over George shoulder and a shadow was cast onto his face.

"May... maybe not."


Congrats on reading Chapter Seventeen!

For some random reason, whenever I type "George" my phone wants to autocorrect it to "GEoRgE."

Also I have so many good ideas for the nether :)

I just have to do some testing on my own time now, just to make sure it works in the version.


Also, according to Wattpad statistics, only a small percentage of you are voting. So please vote or a mentor will come and steal all your diamonds.

All my best,
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