Chapter 7

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After acquiring some new shawls, and some new clothes the two witches ended up in front of a technology store. Misty was intrigued by all the devices, she hadn't been introduced to much in her little town, and definitely not in her life at the swamp. Cordelia giggled at Misty's wide-eyed expression, and she pulled her hand into the store. Misty was amazed, as she swept through the aisles of devices. The supreme just watched her for a few minutes before deciding to buy her something. She landed on a smartphone, and she got earbuds too. She would show Misty how to listen to music later so she could listen to all the Stevie she wanted to.

When the two witches got back to the manor, they went to their separate rooms to put their purchases away.

Cordelia took some clothes out of a bag and put them in the hamper to be washed. Then she pulled out the cellphone she had bought, it had some charge in it, she decided to give it to Misty later. Maybe they should go somewhere else. Classes had not ended, and they still had time to kill.

Misty unpacked her new possessions, and mostly threw them on the bed, she was not one for tidiness. She laid down on the free section bed for a minute, thinking about Cordelia. She had experienced the best day she had had in a very long time. She couldn't stop herself from smiling. She rolled over on the bed and her hand landed and rested on her bedside table. Then she remembered, her blade. Misty sat up in her bed and pulled open the drawer. There it was, the feelings that provoked its use started coming back to her. She couldn't look at it anymore, she put it in her pocket, and out of her mind.

The door opened behind her and Cordelia strolled in. Misty couldn't help it, she was staring again. Cordelia giggled again, "Misty? What do you say we go visit your shack, you can stare at me all you want there." Misty blinked and looked up at the supreme and smiled warmly, "That sounds great". They went off, walking as close to each other as they could. Cordelia decided not to bring them through the mud, and she transmuted to Misty's door as they neared the swamp. Misty pushed open the door and sat on her bed. Cordelia followed closely behind and sat next to her. "Delia? I need you to do something for me." The supreme turned her head to Misty, and she grabbed hold of her hand, "Of course, anything, what do you need?" Misty slowly reached into her pocket and pulled out the scalpel she had taken from her bedside table. "Delia, I need you to take this, I don't trust myself with it, and I don't want to cut anymore. I really want to stop." Misty's eyes grew watery. Cordelia reached out gently with her free hand and accepted the scalpel. She closed her fist gently around the blade and closed her eyes. When she opened her hand, three beautiful butterflies flew out. They fluttered around the room before exiting to the swamp. Misty stared at them, it was like some of her pain left with the butterflies. The young witch turned back to Cordelia and brought their foreheads together. "Thank you, Delia. Thank you." The supreme's gaze seemed to see into Misty, into her soul as she softly responded, "Of course sweet girl, I got you." They stayed there for what seemed like an eternity, just being with each other.

Cordelia broke the silence, "You know what would make this better?" Misty smiled brightly and answered, "I have no idea, this is pretty damn great." Cordelia beamed and reached into her pocket and pulled out the cellphone, "I think some Stevie might make it better." MIsty's mouth fell open, "What's that?". "This is a little something I picked up for you while you weren't looking". Cordelia turned on the phone and showed Misty how to get music on it, she could show her the rest another time. Misty and Cordelia each put in one headphone, and Sara by Fleetwoodmac started playing.

Wait a minute baby

Stay with me awhile...

...Drownin' in the sea of love

Where everyone would love to drown...

They both were absolutely lost in the music, laying on Misty's twin bed, Misty's head resting on Cordelia's chest, and her arm wrapped around her waist. Cordelia was gently running her hand through Misty's hair. It was perfect, absolutely perfect. After a few more songs, however, they needed to go, it was nearly time for dinner.

Cordelia took her seat at the head of her table, and Misty sat next to her. The others were to arrive in the next few minutes. Zoey and Queenie strolled in laughing and shepherding a great deal of the students behind them. The room was suddenly bustling with activity as the students scrambled to grab seats next to their friends. Queenie and Zoey took seats next to and across from Misty. Zoey started a conversation by pleasantly asking, "So, how was your day off?" Misty and Cordelia looked at each other and grinned. "It was really amazing", Misty answered, looking back at Zoey. Zoey and Queenie shared a pointed look but didn't say anything about the thought they had obviously just shared. "I am so glad to hear that Cordelia, you two deserve to have some fun". Queenie responded. The four of them were joined by several students, and they all had a wonderful conversation and a delicious dinner.

After dinner, Cordelia told Misty and the rest of the table she had to catch up on some of her work so she went to her office. Misty trailed behind the supreme and followed her into her office. Misty picked up the book she was reading in there the other day and took the spot in the armchair she had claimed as her own. The two of them worked and read peacefully for a while, eventually, Cordelia looked up at Misty and saw her eyes drooping. "Hey Misty, you don't have to stay up sweetie, why don't you go to bed, I'll see you in the morning." The young witch looked up from her book, nodded, and headed to bed.

Misty laid in her bed with her eyes open. Her mind racing with images of Cordelia, the supreme filled her mind, pushing out anything else. She was completely intoxicated. It was like that for a long while until a small thought pushed through the wall of glowing Cordelia. A terrible thought, a dark thought Misty had encountered countless times before. 'Was life really worth living?'. That one small thought brought friends. 'No one could ever love me', 'I don't deserve to have Cordelia'. 'I don't deserve to live'. Misty thought back to when she was burned at the stake, 'why had I brought myself back?' She almost didn't. At this point, she couldn't remember why she had done it. Why did she choose life? No, No, Misty thought sharply. Misty was happy, she couldn't go back there. She had Cordelia. She couldn't cut, she couldn't kill herself, she was happy. She was happy. She kept telling herself so, "I am happy" she whispered quietly, with a forced smile on her face. "I am happy". She was not convinced. She couldn't feel anything, not a thing. She continued her assurances, "I have Cordelia, I have Zoe and Queenie, I have friends, I have Stevie, and I must be happy." Her whispers got quieter and quieter until she finally drifted off into a restless sleep, with a single tear falling down her cheek.

Cordelia worked very late, but she had spent the last few hours the night before thinking about Misty. Cordelia felt like she still didn't know the whole Misty, she had not opened up to her completely. She felt a bit hopeless, she knew Misty was in so much pain, and she really did not know how to help. She needed guidance, but she had no idea where to turn. She had no idea what Misty was actually feeling. Cordelia knew she had to be there for her, but she didn't know what to do. She eventually accidentally drifted off to sleep with the same thoughts running through her head. 

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