Hello, Lappland? You Ok?

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Hey guys and welcome back to my book and I guess today's chapter is going to hype you up on what happens next in Lappland's dream that Lolf put Lappland in. Well go right ahead and read today's chapter and meet y'all at the bottom! UwU
Chernobog Private High School
1:30 a.m.

(Past Lappland's POV)

"Y'all are such foolish dumb a** I've had ever met." I mocked killing another after one died.

"Shut up you demon b*tch!" Someone yelled out.

"Maybe I should end this early, I'm getting tried of running around and bored of this war against me." I yawned sitting on a dead person's body to rest.

"She's tried! Let's charge on, this is a chance of a lifetime!" A tall man commanded.

"Alright times up people!" I said,"How about let's do the honor and end they're suffering shall we Basher?"

"Do it than already Lappland!" Basher yelled getting impatient of me not killing them all already.

"Fine fine!" I rolled my eyes and started using my powers.

"What's she doing!" Someone asked surprised.

"Wolf Spirit!" I yelled out and started slashing black lasers.

"Ahhhh!" Someone screamed in agony as it slice they're leg off.

"What is this power!?" Someone questioned scared on the ground scooting away from me.

"It's like I say. Y'all are dumb a** for thinking you had a chance against a demon like me?" I explained making him feel more terrorized.

"Please spare! I'll do anything! Just don't me mad my family! Please I begged of you!" The person begged.

"Well bye byeee now!" I said giving a sinister grin and thrust my sword in his mouth killing him.

I look around to see dead body everywhere. It's was a slaughterhouse mania. I slowly mad my way inside the school and looked everywhere in the school to make sure no one was alive but the headmaster only.

POV changing
Chernobog Private High School
3 a.m.

(Lappland's POV)

"I-I can't believe t-that I just killed everyone at that school, in C-Chernobog." I said feeling lost as tears kept on rolling down my face.

"What am I suppose to do?" I sobbed,"What am I going to do if this happens to me? Like again?"

"I hate life and it's misery." I cried seeing the image of my past self smiling showing no mercy in my eyes making a nightmare for all those innocent people.

I hated myself and would never forgive myself after that. I finally brought my unforgivable self up to finish this nightmare.

Time skip
Chernobog Private High School
3:35 p.m.

(Past Lappland's POV)

I finally started heading towards the main office where the headmaster is sitting at probably trembling right now. After a few minutes of walking I made it to the main office. I knocked on the door for a response.

*knock knock*

"W-Who's t-there!?" Headmaster Tony responded scared as f**k.

"It's me Tony." I called out grinning.

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