09| Moody

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09. Moody


      IT SEEMED LIKE THE DAYS WERE ALL FADING INTO ONE — seasons were passing in seconds. In a moment it was morphing into Christmas. Meaning Eleanor would have to leave her chosen family to return to the broken one located in the muggle city of London. Sadly, reality had hit her too soon. She had enjoyed her time at the school so much that the time almost passed too quickly. She hadn't enjoyed all the emotional drama that she had been through in the short span of months but at least it caused her to grow as a person. Though James and Eleanor went through the most emotional change,. They had no idea where their friendship would go over the winter break.

      Their relationship was slowly heading back to normal, but it wasn't quite there yet. Maybe with a fresh mind they would return to how they always were. At least that is what Eleanor had hoped. The kiss was still playing in her mind like it was a music video. She still was crushing on the goofy boy and deep inside of her she knew it wouldn't just stop. It was similar to how James felt about Lily Evans, but he was very open and honest about his feelings. Eleanor was slightly more subtle.

       Over the next few weeks Eleanor created lists of who she needed to shop for at Hogsmead. The list was quite short and precise. James Potter, Remus Lupin, Leia Hudson, Angelica Florence, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, Lucia Lestrange (a new friend she had made due to pretty much third wheeling Remus Lupin) and her father Henry Waters. She wouldn't be buying for the other half of her family which despised her existence because she willingly befriended half-breeds, muggleborns and such. Her mother was slowly falling back into the trap that she called the "Black trap" and Cassiopeia Black was bringing her twin into it with her.

       Moving on from her unbelievable family life. This morning wasn't much different to those where third years and above were permitted to visit Hogsmead. She woke up early for a Sunday morning. This time she wouldn't be attending the village alone. See how that turned out last time. Dressed in a classic pair of blue bell bottoms and an orange turtleneck covered with her large winter coat, gloves, beanie and scarf ready to brace the winter snow. She walked arm-in-arm with Angelica, Leia and even Lucia. They were heading out the gate after being ticked off the list by Filch himself. They were going to do the first part of the shopping together and theyn they would split off with their significant other or closest friend to complete the rest on their list. Leia had chosen Peter, the pair of them had an instant connection. Sadly, Eleanor knew that Peter had been crushing on the lesbian and she hadn't returned the feelings.

      This left Eleanor with James. Eleanor hinted at a suspicion that her friends did this to cause the mushy pair to repair their chipped relationship. Surprisingly, Eleanor didn't mind the fact if they had intended to do that. It was draining to be at a constant war with your emotions because of a boy. She had hope that it wouldn't turn out the same as last time. No kissing is what she means.

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